15 - "We're not lacking in spice."

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I start off the new year with the longest day I've ever had. It started with a morning shift at the 24-hour shop, where I took over Yano's night shift. As the owner he usually works all the night shifts. To me his life seems sober and sad, but he seems to be content with it. He says that he wouldn't be able to pay us for all the night shifts because it is much more expensive than day shifts. I don't mind. Working at night has never been my favourite thing to do.

But after I finished at three I had to go straight to the bar where I'm about to work my first ever shift. I'm afraid to fall asleep on the tube but somehow I manage to arrive in time. The bar is at the other side of Liam's flat and I understand the appeal of Logan to work here. If traffic is bad or public transportation is delayed it takes me an hour to get home. He can go to work by foot.

From the outside the bar doesn't really look like one but inside it is pretty obvious. It's a mixture of an old pub and some modern touches. What surprises me the most is that it's packed at four in the afternoon. I think most, if not all of the customers, are students enjoying their free time or doing their homework. It's a cosy yet quiet atmosphere and looks more like a coffee shop than a pub.

Logan is behind the bar reading a magazine and his face lights up when he sees me. The last time we spoke was with New Years. He repeated his offer to me and Harry, but we declined again. Judging by his grin he's not feeling one bit bothered by that so I try to overlook that too.

"Alex," he says. "How wonderful to see you. Come here."

A bit uncertain I step behind the bar. Logan comes to stand next to me, his smile still plastered on his face.

"Ever worked in a bar before?" He wonders and I shake my head.

"Never, only a coffee shop," I mumble, suddenly wishing I could work more hours at the store so I wouldn't need this job. I don't have any experience in bartending. Only being the customer.

"It's quite simple. We'll just work this shift together. You'll be fine. As you can see most of them are enjoying the free Wi-Fi more than my qualities. Come sit!"

He points to the corner of the bar where he was sitting on a stool. The magazine he was reading is lying open and I'm surprised by the content.

"You always read this?" I ask pointing the article about how to learn to manipulate people. It is in a magazine full with articles about the brain and its psyche.

"I studied psychology. Since I can't seem to find any work in that department I try to keep up to date with trash like this, and it keeps me from dying of boredom," he says. "But now I have you to focus on. So tell me, who are you?"

"Is this a free session?" I ask him, leaning against the bar.

"If you want it to be. So?"

"I'm Alex," I say sounding dumb.

"And what are Alex's dreams?" He asks and I frown a bit.

I'm not sure if Logan is just taking the piss out of me or if this is his way of communicating. Trying to play it safe I come up with another dumb answer.

"Just trying to stay alive," I tell him and it makes him laugh.

"Sorry, I'm not usually like this," he says. "I'm just kidding. How are you enjoying being back so far?"

Feeling a little more at ease now that I know he's not a complete weirdo, I answer him for real. "The holidays have been nice, but for the rest I won't lie. I miss my old work and my life in Palas."

"I'm afraid that working here isn't going to live up to being a lifeguard," he pauses for a moment and throws away his magazine. "Fuck that. I find you much more interesting. Want a drink?"

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