16 - "You are wrong."

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It's so cold out that I'm wearing a shirt, sweater and the thickest jumper I could find. The icy wind can't come through but it still feels as if I jumped in a frozen lake when I arrive at Sage's house. She doesn't live too far away and I thought it would warm me up to walk there, but I was wrong.

I'm glad she has a little dog called Bernie that I can take on my lap to warm my legs and hands. Sage moves around the house to make me a hot chocolate and by the time she's done, my hands are tingling.

"Next time use mittens," she says. "Then my dog doesn't have to die from under-cooling."

"He'll be fine." Nevertheless I push the dog from my lap and grab my cup instead. "So how are you feeling?"

Sage is two months pregnant now. Over three weeks ago she came to my house late at night to tell me just after founding out. Since then we've kept in touch over the phone, but today we decided to get together with Tessa as well. I'm here first for which I'm glad.

"Good, no morning sickness yet. Just a bit more tired than usual."

"I'm so happy for you. How is Nick?"

"I mean, he cried when I showed him the test and we both felt like telling the whole world. He went to his friend and I went to Tessa and you. We're very happy. It's sickening," she tells me. "I must say that Harry was very happy for me too. I had to tell him before you or he would have sent me away."

"How did he react?" I wonder. They both haven't told me this fact yet.

"Lovely, although I think he feared that I was going to give birth in his house out of excitement. He ordered me to sit down."

"What a gentlemen," I deadpan.

"How are you two?" She asks and I know she's trying to sound casual, but is failing hard. It's so obvious that she's interested in him and I, although I don't understand why.

"Why does everyone always ask me that?" I wonder. For some reason I don't expect someone to ask Harry this because he's the perfect one of the relationship. It's as if people expect me to fuck it up.

"Because we're interested and want the best for you," she answers with an eye roll.

"We are fine. Good." I shrug my shoulders, not feeling the need to talk about it more.

"And your work?"

"At the shop is alright, but the bar is another story."

Since my last shift there I made myself a promise to try it one more time and I did and it went okay, but the temptation stayed.

"What about it then?" She wonders and I take a sip from my hot chocolate.

"I find it hard to pour alcohol and not being able to drink it."

"Have you had a drink since you stopped?" She asks and although I want to tell her the truth I lie to her just like I did to Harry.

"No, but I wanted too."

"If you didn't it's alright. You'll be fine."

Once again I'm amazed by how well everyone takes my lies. Apparently I'm very believable and no one questions it. It almost makes me think they don't care or think that I'm exaggerating with the whole no-drinking thing. That if I did drink it doesn't make a difference anyway, but it does for me.

"What does Harry say about it?" She asks after I stay quiet.

"I never told him. He's busy all the time and I don't want to make a big deal out of it."

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