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valentina's POV:

today was tuesday and i was just lying in my bed watching riverdale on netflix. i heard my phone ringing next to me and i picked it up without checking who it was.

"hello" i said pausing netflix

"hey" said the familiar voice of mitch marner

"how's the road trip" i asked. sydney invited me to join but my mom said i needed to stay here and watch my brothers. and not the younger one. apparently the older ones needed to be the most watched

"it's really good. we have a game tomorrow so we'll be back late tomorrow night" he answered

"that's nice" i laughed

"so are you free on thursday" he asked

"ya i think so. why"

"can i come pick up at like 6 ish"

"of course" i said smiling

"perfect i'll see you then. bye val"

"bye mitch"

i'm not calling this a date. we're just hanging out. that's it not a date

skip to thursday

i was waiting in my living room waiting for mitch to come. i was wearing black jeans with a pink oversized sweatshirt. and of course the day mitch decides to take me out all my brothers are home with their friends.

"waiting for mitchy" zach asks

"MARNER" one of daniel's friends say

"yes marner. now shut up and pretend i'm not here" i say

"when's he coming" chris asks

"i don't know. now shut up"

"wait mitch marner is coming here" my and zach's friend jack says

"yes. now what do you not understand up shut up"

i heard the doorbell ring and and i open it to find mitch standing there

"hey" i say and hug him

"how are you" he says smiling

"good. how was the road trip"

"we won a few games so i guess it was pretty good"

"MARNER'S HERE" my brothers and their friends scream

"i'm sorry" i say to mitch

"are you dating val" zach asks

"no" mitch replies smiling at me

"don't you find her annoying" daniel asks

"no she's ok" he laughs

"isn't she gorgeous" one of daniel's friends asks

"yes she is" mitch laughs

"ok stop attacking him now. go away" i wave my hand motioning them all to leave

"aw your family is so funny" mitch says laughing

"believe me there not"

"are you ready to go"

"ya let me just grab my wallet" i say but my hand was pulled back

"nope everything's on me tonight"

"wow what a gentleman" chris buds in

"don't you have friends" i stick my tongue out at him. "bye guys. don't burn down the house

"ya whatever leave" zach says

me and mitch leave me house and we get in his car and he drives out of my driveway and away from my house

"so where are we going" i ask breaking the silence

"i was thinking maybe skating and then we can go to some coffee shop"

"but i don't have skates"

"don't worry about that"

we pull up to the rink downtown. it's so beautiful at night. mitch rents me a pair of skates and starts to tie them for me

"you know i am capable of tying my own skates" i say

"i was just trying to be a gentleman and i get yelled at" he laughs finishing up my first skate. "is that tight enough"

"ya that's fine"

we skated for 2 hours before my feet started to hurt. then mitch took me to this cute little coffee shop downtown. mitch already paid and now we were drinking our hot chocolates. i took a long sip of mine and i looked up at mitch to see that he was already starring at me

"stop starring at me" i say

"can i tell you something" mitch asks


"remember when you came to my game and that random guy gave you passes to come meet us"


"well he's not some random guy he's from the leafs organization i told him to give you the passes"

"what why"

"i saw you when i was warming up and you were absolutely gorgeous and so i needed a way to talk to you"

"really" i said smiling so wide

"ya. and after talking to you for the past few weeks i realized that i like you. like a lot. and i was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend" he confessed

my smile was so big now and he reached over to grab my hand. i realized something and i pull away. and he looked confused

"is it weird. your 20 and i'm 17. i know thats 3 years but what will people think"

"val i don't care what anyone thinks. as long as we're happy together. that's all i care about"

"then yes" i said

and he smiled like i've never seen him smile before. we finished our hot chocolates and he drove me home. he pulled up to my driveway and stopped the car. he got out and opened the door for me

"bye babe" he said putting emphasis on the babe

"bye" i replied and went to my front door to unlock it

i couldn't believe it. mitch marner is my boyfriend. this is the best day of my life

ahh there finally dating yay

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