Chapter 17

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"This is getting complicated than I thought" Nuriel said

"Not it's not" I took his hand and placed it on my heart "She's still in there, it's simple, . The Elders took a special taking to her, lured her, trained her as if she was ordinary and then told her lies that her powers could heal her fellow Facades. Elianna took the bait, realized it was all a lie after all then decided to destroy the copied AVNARS and then--"

"--herself" he continued "May, this means you have to---"

"---I'll do what I have to Nuriel. You were one of the reasons why she did it, if I don't destroy and the others will slowly deteriorate and give in to your wants. Elianna wouldn't want that, thinking she was the reason why you turned up this way--"

"--I didn't inject myself with AVNAR" Nuriel interrupted "I ran away from my clan years ago, ever since she jumped off that cliff"

I couldn't help but smile, there was a feeling of relief inside me knowing that my precious friend was still himself and wasn't about to be included with this chaos.

"One last question" this time Nuriel gently grabbed my shoulders "Why was she involved with a pure blooded vampire Lukas Rotharts."

"He stood by my side when nobody was there!" I exclaimed "When you left to fight off the cold ones, you pushed me away remember? You said that I was paranoid and I shouldn't doubt the Elders' way and if I continue to conspire against them you would consider me as a traitor..." suddenly a tear trickled down my face, there was a sudden flashback:

Elianna walks into the room and sees Nuriel sitting near the fireplace, he looked up and seemed surprised to see her " I was told that you weren't feeling well, I suggest you take a plenty amount of rest"

"I cannot. I must tell you something, the truth that is"

"This isn't about the Elder's right?"

Elianna looked away and nodded

"Must I tell you that everything you say is only a result of you being paranoid"

"Why don't you believe me?" she looked hurt, trying to steady her composure

"We are warriors, remember our code. I won't hear no more nonesense from you or else..." he looked away "I will label you as a traitor."

"Calm down May" he grinned " I was referring to Elianna remember?"

Oh what a jerk! But he was right, I shouldn't get so emotional when the truth is I am not Elianna anymore.

"If you're planning to destroy yourself to save us, I'm going to stop you" he said adamantly

"I was gonna do that but my priority is Debra and Gemma, I have to get them back" because of me they were hypnotized by my parents and given a set of memories to deceive me, it was unforgivable "i'm going to talk to Lukas"

"That guy again"

"Are you jealous?" I smiled, but he didn't say anything anymore. We both sneaked out of the Hayworth mansion. I turned back and sighed, now that everything was clear, I still loved my so called parents but as Elianna was determined to sacrifice her life to save the Facades, I too, will do the same. One life sacrificed to save all the warriors who suffered so much because I trusted those evil Elders.

"So he claimed to be a Serpin?" Nuriel asked looking amused

I nodded, feeling a bit foolish "Stupid me"

"Do you have feelings for him?"

I stopped running and gave him a face "Really?" I replied sarcastically " Are we really going to discuss this now?"

"Just out of curiousity, if Elianna would do the same mistake"

I rolled my eyes, where was a stick when I need it? "I knew it, you loved Elianna, you just won't admit it"

His eyes widened, and did he just turn red?

"You are mistaken--"

"Oh whatever, warrior code blah blah blah we are in the 21st century Nuriel maybe we should go with the flow you know? Like for example, just be honest with what's going on with that ice coated heart of yours"

"If I were to admit that you are correct, won't you be at a disadvantage?"

I blushed. Darn, he's good.

We stopped at school again, the gate was open which was unusual. I also noticed that the guard wasn't on his post, there was something wrong with the whole area.

"I smell vampires" Nuriel says slowly, closing his eyes "A lot of them"

"Debra is here...but not Gemma" my heart leapt "She's hasn't turned....but why?"

then I smelled human blood at the guard house, me and Nuriel went inside and saw the security guard was knocked out and tied. I checked his neck, no bite marks. I guess they weren't hungry

"This is unusual, for vampires to be rounding together in a group" Nuriel spoke up "It's as if they're waiting for someone"

a sudden realization came "Yeah, they're waiting for me"

"What for?"

"Revenge. It's a long story...well not really." I grinned.

"I fear of what lies ahead of us if you don't tell me the truth" he smirked

I had no other choice but to tell him,surprisingly, he didn't seem bothered by my errr...very prudent ways. I was being sarcastic by the way. He was fuming, you can tell by the scarlet ears that I'm seeing right now

"I'm quite sad that Debra was hurled this far" he stared at me "Debra, she's a healer just like your mother. She was destined to be wed to a powerful Facade that died...years ago. When her lover's death almost killed her due to depression, your mother came in and saved her"

"My mom, she planted those fake characteristics and memories so she...can have another chance, she was reborn" she smiled

"She offered her service to the Hayworths, and to the Facade who killed her lover." he looked away

I was crestfallen to hear that, I--well my past identity killed another Facade? My knees trembled with agony "How...why? What happend? I--I don't remember..."

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