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Nobody knows what I am, even myself for that matter. Nobody knew, not even myself, that those things existed...they walk and talk just like us and there is more to what meets the eye. I was always the happy go lucky type but for once I knew that it will all change when I turned eighteen.

Chapter 1- June 8, 2002

"One more day and your an adult May! " Debra, my best friend exclaimed " I just don't get it though, your name is May but you were born on June. Are your parents really sure about your birthdate?" she jokes, for once, I got to understand why Debra has a bad humor. She was born sarcastic. I rolled my eyes and threw a pillow on her face

"Hey what was that for?" she mutters

"For being lame" I pointed out

Then we both laughed. Our laughter was disrupted when my mom called for the both of us, we rushed downstairs and was surprised with all the visitors that came by. I turned red, embarrassed with this so called party mom threw for me and the worst part was that...I was in my pajamas. My mother, dressed in a bright red cocktail dress and some Prada pumps that seemed to match too perfectly with the whole ensemble rushed in front of me. She was not happy.

"Antoinette May Hayworth" she says softly "Get dressed properly, don't let your guests wait too long"

"Yes Ma" I blinked twice " Who are they?"

"Relatives and friends of your relatives"

Me and Debra exchanged glances and rushed upstairs.

"What's wrong with pajamas? It's Spongebob for goodness sakes! " Debra exclaimed

" My relatives don't do sponges"

" Seriously May, why is it that your relatives are so stiff and old century like? It's like they belong to another planet"

" Except for Uncle Edward" I replied quickly while putting on the frilly green satin dress my mom bought at Calvin Klein

I honestly did not know my relatives quite well, mostly, my father's side the Hayworths. I knew them by name and face but they seem to scare the heck out of me, the long gaze the glassy smiles and also their unbelievable strength. I saw Aunt Meredith carry three coolers filled with water and ice with two hands and she was like forty seven. Heck, that ain't normal. As we head back downstairs I was greeted by my beautiful cousin Anna who looks too perfect like my mother. Am I the only one who looks plain and weird? Not as if weird was a definition of beauty in my father. My mother could not complain.

" Antoinette look at you, so young and beautiful!" she says sincerely

"Thanks Anna " she must be blind, compared to her long rich black hair and smooth fair skin and curvy lips I was only a single cell to her "How's college?" Small talk, this should be easy

"Not enjoyable, I honestly wished my father would let me get a job in Europe but he insists that I stay"

"Oh" small talk failed.

" How's college for you in Brangston?"

"Good, tomorrow will be my second day, people have been nicer"

Anna looked at my eyes again, there it is, the creepy gaze day, I was tempted to run for it but I know I'd trip with these not so low shoes. My mother was a sadist in fashion, what doesn't kill you ,makes you even classier she would say. I was grateful to my dad who was always sensing my pitiful nerves came and shifted conversations with Uncle Edward to me

"Eighteen, my oh my, young wild and free!" Uncle Edward says gleefully

" Now Ed, the free part is that she gets one hour extension on her curfew" my father carefully added with a wink

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