Chapter 15

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I looked at him with unhappy eyes because I felt that I knew him and it seemed that he knew me. He took a step back and didn't say anything. My eyes caught the shadow slave once again, it seems that this person was its master. The shadow slave's eyes looked eagerly at me, its heartbeat didn't seem as excited as it was before.

"You didn't kill Gemma, you lied...why?" I asked him

"She need not to hope, they've taken her as well. Everything dear to May, the enemies will destroy"

"And you? Are you not one of them?"

"An outcast, last time I checked" he chuckled "Who are you?"

Suddenly memories came pouring inside me like shattered glass coming back together. I closed my eyes and see so many broken glass, others were closing in to each other revealing sealed memories. I peeked into one glass and see myself standing in front of a mirror tears were black and I was crying some more. Emotions flooded inside me, was this May's memories that was sealed for so many years? I wondered about what my role was in May's life.

"I know what you are" he continued " You're a conscious AVNAR"

200 years ago, war was ever present between the vampires and half-vampires. The halflings were those who protected the humans from evil mischievous vampires that went insane. There were the decent ones but they were monitored by the halflings. The warrior halflings were the ones who monitored the powerful clans making sure that no human being was being used and harmed by them. They were called the Facades. The Facades were powerful halflings that matched vampire strength due to genetic mutations passed on from generation to generation. A growing concern towards the mighty Facades was recognized amongst the elders of the they decided to create AVNAR. An identity formed from an original Facade, an identity that would seperate the insane and the sane. But only a few can acquire this gift, those with exceptional ability. Elianna Freyert was one of them.

"I knew it, from the moment I laid eyes on May despite the resemblance she's an AVNAR. She's Elianna's freakin AVNAR!" he shouted, the shadow slave jumps towards me and attacks I evaded it

"What's this about Elianna? Why does she look like May?" I asked "And why are you so upset?"

"Which question should I answer?" he seethed his teeth, I saw fangs "She's my fiancee"

"Huh funny, she's your enemy and she was trained to kill you" I laughed "Seems fate does not agree with your union"

"Elianna never wanted that life, I wanted to protect her. Now they are training you to tread that path, and you will definitely meet the same fate."

"You care....about Elianna... we aren't the same person Lukas."

"I thought she died...she--"

suddenly the glass windows shattered, Lukas covered his arms around me. Three strange apparitions appear, out of the windows. The shadow slave roared to scare them, he looked fierce as ever, fire came out of its mouth setting the room on fire

"Get out of here! They're after you I'll take care of this" Lukas whispered

I ran outside blending with the panicky crowd, I looked back and saw Lukas leave gracefully on the opposite direction. I was her AVNAR, her replacement and third identity if she meet's the same fate. And me... there is something sinister amongst the Facade community and I will anything to protect myself .She's different....I remembered Elianna quite well although a blur from the shattered memories. She was angry, and emotionally unstable. There was only one man who calms her, ironically, it was a royal pure blooded vampire. A very exceptional vampire that one Facade must not be involved with.

I watched the firefighters go inside the front school building, they easily put off the fire and the rest is over. I felt bad that I was the cause of the fire, but I felt even bad for May. She didn't hear me and Lukas' conversation and I'm not really sure if I can tell her either.

I woke up with an amazing headache, I actually growled when I went downstairs and saw the whole clan. They were all wearing blue, I rolled my eyes and poured juice into my spongebob mug Debra lent me. The thought of Debra made my heart hurt and my insides twist with anger and then there was Gemma. I tried my best to hold back my tears...Lukas is lying.

"Your school was on fire yesterday" one of my relatives says, trying to break the silence in the room, honestly, I don't even remember their names

"Just one room, broken windows, no big deal" I replied nonchalantly

"It is a big deal, we've been receiving letters about young neophytes hanging loose on our city. I've heard you've dealt with one of them" a pale looking gentlemen with sunglasses spoke in

"Perhaps" I say dryly "Y'all should mind your own beeswax"

"Your important to us May, you're one of our assets. You have abilities that sets you apart from the rest of us, we need your full cooperation."

"How can I cooperate if I don't know what's going on?" I said without hesitation " You people....just leave me alone!"

"How can you be so selfish!" I suddenly heard Anna cry "I know that you're confused, but if you want the truth then I'll tell you since you feel that life's unfair"

"It is!" I snapped "My friends are gone, Lukas betrayed me and my family--no, the clan---is hiding something from me! Who am I ?" my voice was shaking from anger

"Lukas?" a voice interrupted

I turned back and saw Nuriel, his expression was a mixture of shock and grief.

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