Chapter 10

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It saddened me when I heard about Nuriel and his runaway partner. I actually didn't know what to say when he told me about his life story. I was hoping he'd tell me more, maybe it could help me too. I often wondered who I was in the past, was I brave like those Levute warriors of time. My parents were ancients, I never asked if I was an ancient too. Nuriel taught me how to throw knives today, it was easy and I could easily aim the apple that he would through. He was smiling, that should be a good sign, he used to be cranky and mean but now he looked relaxed and wow, he was very...good looking especially when he looks confused. Excuse me while I mentally slap myself as those thoughts came to me.

"You did unexpectedly well today" he says while grabbing the apple on one table

"That's not real" I retorted

"No I mean it" he says

"No the apple it isn't real, just a decoration" I replied

Good thing he didn't bite it or it would've been a horrible sight to watch, I mean I'm not that I?

I tossed him a real apple and he thanks me. Our atmosphere has changed, it was silent yet friendly

but my mom had to come in and ruin the mood. You have no idea

"Honey, the mail man passed by and he said you've got a cute butt, close the windows next time you change okay?" my mom's eyes landed on Nurien and she cupped her mouth "oh Hello, you didn't hear that did you?"

Nuriel while grinning shrugged "if you say so Mrs. Hayworth"

I sighed and drank my coffee "Tell the mailman that if he ever shows up and I see him I will tear him ap--"

"--So I shall be going ladies" he interrupts with a nod

"You're going?" Me and mom chorused then we glanced at each other

"Yes I have another business to attend to" he replies with a grin on his face, oh wow his smile is so breathtaking I almost had to slap myself. I watched him leave, there's a part of me that wished him to stay a bit longer and there's another part who wanted to smack him for giving me a hard time during training

"I saw that" my mom coughed

"What?" I replied innocently

"You know, that wistful stare, he is quite a goodly fellow"

"I won't deny it but he is a tough trainer, he's mean, selfish and full of-"

"-hotness" my mother finished

"That's bull" I snorted

my mother giggles as she walks to our living room, I watched her and realized how young she looked without makeup on. I never notice the little things about her, because all my life I believed my family was just ordinary rich philanthropist with a aim to just make money an socialize. But the truth was, it was all an act to hide their real agenda-to protect humans from vampires.

"We're going on a field trip yay!" I heard Susan cried happily; I saw Debra roll her eyes "Oh puhleez, you're just getting all pumped because of the donuts they are giving away" she snorted. Debra can really be mean sometimes, which is not a surprise since she is a known bully. I glanced on her fist and was a bit surprised that it fully recovered

"You seemed to recover well, how's the your bloody hammer?"

she looked at showed her fist proudly "tis' nothing but a scratch" she attempts to say it poetically, I glanced Gemma's painful glare "Don't even try" she winced at Debra

We finally reached Panem's Pastries, my eyes hurt from all the floral patterns decorated on the walls as we got in

"Welcome!" a fat strange lady greeted us, she hugged our supervisor Ms. Bo she didn't like hugs but refrained from giving her the sour expression " Hello Petra" she says calmly and then turns to us "Class, this is Ms. Petra Stubble she is the head manager of Panem Co. as some of you may know that the company not only sells food but also machineries. You are free to ask questions of your own."

"It smells like sweet mangoes here even my armpits smell like it too" Arthur says while smelling his armpits I saw Fey giving him a disgusting look and walked ahead of him. Both couples were going on and off in their relationship but to me, it seems that they really hate each other

"May, it's been a while" Fey says nonchalantly while tossing her ever blond luxurious hair; I have to admit, Fey is one of the most gorgeous girls that I've ever met and hate. I don't hate her because she looked fancy in everything, even crocs look good on her. I learn to accept that nothing's fair and I don't play fair so I decided to not be fair. I hate her because I just do and it doesn't need to be fair.

"Hello Fey" I said in my blank manner

I felt her green eyes stabbing me "Nice contacts, it looks good on you"

I wanted to laugh, I almost forgot that I looked way different with my new set of grey eyes

"Thanks" I replied. As Fey left and rejoined with her girls.

I spotted Debra and Gemma hanging out at a little cafe during our free time, they seem to be having a serious discussion about something as I was walking towards them Lukas popped in the scene

"You looked surprised" he says nonchalantly

" Well I didn't sense you coming" I replied "Which I should have"

"Well to be clear, I'm not a threat to you and plus I'm a Serpin" he grins "We are gentle walkers"

"I can see that, so I shall be going"

"May, are you avoiding me?"

I turned to Lukas, can I be honest? He was the most nicest yet mysterious guy I've ever met which is hard to not like but I'm no fool. I will not be involved with another facade.

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