Chapter 36 -- Every Bit as Clever as Us or Journey to the Hollow Warehouse

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Early the next morning, Jane woke and prepared as quietly as possible to not disturb Aatann.  Jane put on her suit, being careful to seal it exactly as she had been shown.  Before she walked out she took the pink box and the paper out from under the blanket and put them in a pocket.  And even though it was a big pocket, the pink box pressed into Jane's ribs uncomfortably.

    Although quiet, the main cave was already busy, people were clustered about,working.  Jane looked for Michael and found him helping John pack the dune buggy.  He smiled when he saw her, and Jane felt a little more confidence. 

    "Watch out,"  Michael glanced at John, "he's incredibly picky today. Has to have everything in the right order, don't you dare put even a grenade out of place."  He tossed a few jokes at her, and Jane answered in kind, but she could tell he was nervous.

    "I wish it was me."  he finally admitted.  "I wish I was going, instead of you."

    "I wish you were coming with me."

    "Yeah, and if wishes were money we'd be rich."

    "This is good, I think.  For both of us.  For all three of us."  Jane flashed the pink box before tucking it safely away in her pocket.

    Michael reached out and grabbed Jane in a big hug and because she wasn't expecting it, she was dragged right off her feet. 

    Soon was waiting behind Michael.  They sat near the cave wall and as she braided Jane's hair Soon was unusually quiet.  Several children came over to watch, including Kiito, who gave Soon the blue ribbon from her cloth doll.  Soon used it to tie up the tail of the braid so it didn't hang down.  When Jane stood the children were all smiles, but Soon looked sad.  "I miss you already."  Soon said.  "My dear sister.  My dear akiim." Jane and Soon embraced.

    The early morning faces gathered around to help and say goodbye.  The last time Jane had said goodbye, no one had come to see her.  Today, there were waving hands, tear filled eyes, and running children who, as the dune buggies drove away, held on to her for as long as they possibly could. 

    The journey to the hollow warehouse was twelve hours of constant driving.  They took two dune buggies: Hessa, Lonese, and Kedrik in one; John and Jane in the other.  John drove for the first four hour shift.  He talked a lot at first, but when every topic of conversation was exhausted, Jane admitted that she didn't mind the silence.  So they drove in silence, with only occasional conversation, until they switched.  Jane found the buggy an easy drive and while she drove all she could think about was how crazy they were—all of them—to let her come, and let her drive, and let her manage a weapon.  She was no where near ready!

    Jane searched the horizon, picturing the sun rising in an orange and azure sky with puffy white clouds.  She could almost see colour on the horizon.  But there were no sunrises on Kata'paohpi.  The thick layer of gray cloud obliterated light except for a dusky sombre one that spoke of impending rain.  Only it never rained.

    Near the end of Jane's driving shift, John got himself some food, including a portion for Jane to eat once they switched drivers.  "Are we at the sand yet?" he asked between drinking mouthfuls.

    Jane glanced at the huge dunes all around them.  Of course they were at the sand, when were they ever not at sand? She had been following Hessa through sand for four hours.

    "I can see it on the horizon.  We switch drivers there."  Hessa replied through the comm.  "Not long now."

    As they moved closer Jane kept her eyes on the horizon, the colour was not an illusion. It was yellow, but it was not a natural colour, it looked wrong. John finished his cold, coagulated food.

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