Time's History - Final Chapter: Hermione

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Hermione navigated the halls of Hogwarts in a way she never knew existed. All the secrets of the school opened up for her. It all made sense when the laws of time magic were applied. Corners and straight lines were long distances compared to the time step. With the turner, a frightening world of possibility opened, one she understood with the time water's help. It was imperative that the turner be kept from Forn and Caidoz, it was the master key that imprisoned the army they spoke of. Another fact she began to realize was the turner's secret number. It was the map of the endless universe of time and she had revealed it to Forn.

Hermione time stepped from Hogwarts to a place deep in the Forbidden Forest. There was something here that seemed to mask her presence. Her thoughts were racing out of control as the time water seemed to unfold new discoveries about everything around her. She marvelled at the tiny grains of dirt and how their existence, color, size and number was an exact copy of the whole universe and everything that lived within it. With this observation, she also discovered what it was that caused sickness and imbalance in every known thing and how there was really no such thing as death. She understood what Forn had mentioned about his age, how he was over seventeen thousand years old.

"You have taken the water." A man spoke, stepping out from behind a tree, it was the wizard she had stunned back at the fountain of Rekat Emit. His hands were held up peacefully. With a scan, Hermione could tell he was not there for battle.

"Who are you?" She stood, readying herself for another time step if needed.

"Please... my name is Cadmus, I was there at the fountain." He waved his hand in a figure eight and the calm of the forest returned.

"It is you that made it safe for me here." Hermione understood.

"Yes, I placed an invisibility spell around the Forbidden Forest so that Forn would not find you. He is close." As Cadmus spoke, Hermione's thoughts wandered elsewhere. She seemed almost paralyzed by the power of the time water at times, the way it flooded her mind with discoveries. "We must stop them before the evening, you know that right?" He asked her.

"Yes, I see them succeeding by nightfall."

"We must take down Forn first, which will be easy, it is Caidoz we must worry about."

"Is he really the one who beat the evil wizard Noiro all those years ago?"

"Who told you that?" Cadmus asked surprised.

"Professor Dumbledore, it was part of the time turner's story."

"Yes. No any ordinary wizard knows time's history." He says impressed. "Caidoz returned the time turner to a safe place and Forn later stole it. It was the act of stealing the turner that made Forn a weak wizard."


"It was a karma spell. The potential power of the item was great, so the punishment was great. Had Forn not been an exceptionally gifted wizard, or a Droogle, he would have died a million deaths. Instead, much of that great power was drained from him and he was left stranded. It was Caidoz who was sent out to find him and bring him to Rekat Emit."

"What made Caidoz go bad?"

"There is no bad or good in time wizard law really, there is change from power. The power of Rekat Emit is deep. There are many mysteries and that dreadful place is one of them. Forn's Droogle wish not to go to Rekat Emit may have been strong enough to change Caidoz. Being that Caidoz was a Prefect of Time, the power of Forn's wish translated to Caidoz being his master, free yet still imprisoned." He smiled at Hermione's expression of confusion and comprehension. "It is the way time magic operates."

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