Part 2

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The bus was at its final stop, everyone on the bus stood up and shuffled off. As quickly as I could I rushed to the school and into my first class. I always got there early, I had no need to converse with any other person so I just went to class. There were certain individuals I tried to avoid in the morning, at lunch, and in the afternoon. Their names were Emmett Richman and Ricky Martin. They both deserved a trophy for biggest tossers in the world. They were both a lot taller and stronger than I was. They took that as an opportunity to make my life worse than it already was. They would beat me up, threaten me, you name it. They took pleasure in making me suffer. I've told multiple teachers about this behaviour, but they never did anything about it. I told my parents and they complained to the school, but the school didn't do anything. Personally, the reason why I think the school won't do anything is because Emmett's father was the superintendent and Ricky's father was the town's sheriff. They can theoretically ruin my life as much as they want without being punished. I would try my best to stay away from them each day but they almost always seemed to find me. Today wasn't an exception.

I was walking through the halls, looking for my first class. There was a lot of time before the class actually started but like I said I always went to class early. Ricky and Emmett had figured out quite quickly that I got to class much earlier than most people. I turned the corner to get to my first class but down by my class was Ricky and Emmett. They were leaning against the wall and talking. I lowered my head and walked as fast as I could hoping they wouldn't notice me. I was able to get a few feet past them before I felt a strong tug on my backpack that made me stop in my tracks. I slowly looked up and over my shoulder. Ricky had grabbed my bag tightly.

"Mornin'," Ricky smiled. I didn't respond.

"Did ya' hear him? He's tryin' to say hello," Emmett glared. I mumbled something under my breath that they wouldn't have taken too kindly.

"Did ya' say somethin' dirtbag?" Ricky asked. Again I didn't answer. I came to the conclusion that if I didn't react then they would lose interest in bullying me. "Jesus, are deaf? I asked ya' a question," Ricky snarled.

"I said, I'd appreciate it if you kindly let me go," I whispered.

"Did ya' hear that Ricky, the wimp wants us to let him go," Emmett laughed.

"Very Well, I'll let ya' go," Ricky smirked. Ricky proceeded to pull my backpack right off my back. This left me stumbling face first into another student.

"Sorry," I mumbled to the person I bumped into. I then turned back to Ricky and Emmett who were looking through my bag.

"Would you two just sod off?" I glared.

"Hey look Emmett, a diary," Ricky smiled holding up my leather notebook.

"Let's look in it," Emmett laughed. I tried my best to get my stuff back but whenever I got too close one of the two boys would push me away.

"This journal is a gold mine!" Ricky yelled.

"Please just give it back," I croaked.

"No way, we have to show the boys," Emmett suggested.

"Absolutely," Ricky responded. I felt my face heat up in anger the more they went through the journal. Both boys started laughing harder and harder with every word they read.

"We have to go show this to the guys, common," Emmett laughed as he started to walk away with my journal. Ricky laughed as he walked away with Emmett. Just before he turned the corner into the next hall he stopped.

"See ya' later fag!" Ricky boomed.

I looked down at my backpack and the things that were strung around the floor. I kneeled down and picked up the various idioms those two lazy sods had thrown along the floor. I took a deep breath and felt the weight of the situation finally dawning on me. Both of those boys had my journal, the journal I had poured some of my most private thoughts into. There were things in that book that could ruin what was left of my social life. I felt my eyes start to become wet, and my cheeks started to burn. I didn't know what to do. Should I go after them? Or should I just leave it be? Either way, it wouldn't end well for me. The bell rung for the students to start heading for their first class. This shot me right out of my fixed trance and I rubbed my eyes trying to make it look like I hadn't been crying.

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