Part 1

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It was a sunny, hot and sticky day. My friends and I had decided to meet up to go fishing by a pond near our houses. We had planned that day two weeks in advance and we all were excited to go on our little adventure. We had all met up at the old firehouse on the edge of town. It was an old building that had been abandoned years ago, the bright red paint that once decorated the outside of the building had turned to a sickly brown over the years of wear and tear the building had gone through. The paint was even flaking off the building as if it was dandruff. The windows had large wooden planks violently hammered into the building to shield the windows and doors from any light that could seep into the bowels of the dark halls. In all hindsight, the old firehouse was not the ideal place to meet at, but we were all naive kids who just wanted a little adventure. We had all decided that the best time to meet up would have to be at ten in the morning so we could get to the pond by eleven.

We all evidently arrived at around the same time, the first one to the old firehouse was me, next was Ivan. Ivan was a young Russian boy who was my age, he was shorter but chubbier than I was. He had violet colored eyes and light blond hair that looked as if it was silver. He was a nice boy that I got along with well, although he and I weren't too close.

After Ivan was Yao, Yao a Chinese boy who was two years older then Ivan and I. When he moved to the states he missed two years of school so he was forced into the same grade as Ivan and I. Despite being older he was still my height and was as lengthy as a newly planted tree. He looked as young as we did too. Yao had brown eyes with long dark brown hair that was usually tied into a ponytail. I have to admit, for the first few months, I knew Yao I thought  he was a girl, not a boy, heck he even sounded like a girl.

Next was a French boy named Francis, he was tall and lengthy with bright blond hair and bright blue eyes. Francis was a year older of Ivan and me. He had been held back a year in school for not having adequate grades the first year he came to the states, that was why he was in the same grade as the rest of us. I never really got along with Francis, he could be quite annoying at times, and it seemed as if he would try his best to get on my nerves. I never intended to contribute to the stereotype that the English hated the French, but he made it too easy to dislike him.

Lastly like always, was an American boy named Alfred. Alfred, much like Ivan, he was short and somewhat chubby. He was a few months younger then Ivan and I, this made him the youngest out of all of us. Alfred had dirty blond hair and blue eyes that compared to the bright blue sky on a sunny day. He wore a pair of silver glasses that were perched upon his nose. His glasses stuck out like a sore thumb. He completely broke the stereotype that you must be a nerd if you wear glasses, he was one of the most loudmouth, energetic, and oblivious boys I had ever met in the entirety of my life.


There was a boy missing from our little group, a Japanese boy by the name of Kiku. Kiku was a short lengthy boy with dark black hair and brown eyes. I questioned why he wasn't there, I was told that he was busy that day and that he couldn't make it, which was a shame. We all started for the pond, none of us were one hundred percent sure where this pond was but we had a good idea of what area of the woods it was in. We all raced into the woods behind the firehouse, our fishing poles and other objects clanging and banging against one another as we ran. Surprisingly the pond we were looking for was much closer to the firehouse then we had expected. Alfred, being a football player, had run ahead of us and spotted the pond first.

"Pond! It's the pond!" Alfred had yelled at the top of his lungs. Everyone proceeded to run faster when Alfred yelled those words.

The pond was at the bottom of a hill. It was surrounded by a clearing on one side and the rest of the force on the other. The clearing was in full bloom, it was alive with flora and fauna of all types. There were Dutchman's Breeches, Trout Lilies, Lupines, Black-Eyed Susans, and many many more flowers as far as the eye could see. The pond itself was just as beautiful. At one end of the pond, there was an old dock that looked as if it was there since the early eighteen hundreds. Somehow the dock was still intact and not rotten, it was like a miracle. The water was reflecting the light blue sky and the fluffy balls of cotton that hung from it.  I remember all of us stopping at the top of the hill that bled into the clearing and just looking down upon the sight that beheld us. It was a truly beautiful representation of mother nature at her very best. We all slowly started to walk down the hill that led to the clearing, as I walked through it I admired the flowers that were strung all around us. We all made it down to the pond safely. We all decided to split up and do different things around the pond. Alfred and Ivan went to the dock and as they did they started bickering with one another.

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