Kids with a plan~36

Start from the beginning

"No. Mom thinks it's gonna happen soon." She said looking around. "How old were you?" She questioned. 

"I was 12. That's also when I grew boobs." I laughed. Growing boobs isn't the worst part of growing through puberty. It was everything else that came with it. 

"Does Luke think your period is gross?" I was surprised she felt so comfortable asking me these questions. I haven't been around since I left home at 18 and she was 6. 

"No." I shook my head. "Usually he's relieved when I get it." I put a box of tampons in the cart before grabbing a thing of pads. 


"Because then he knows I'm not pregnant." I commented moving on to the next aisle. I was the type of person who wasn't embarrassed to answer these questions. If it was just her talking to me, I was fine, but the second my grandmother starts questioning my love life, I get weirded out. 

"At Christmas he said you have a lot of sex." I looked at her. 

"He said that?" She nodded. I was going to kill him. He should have just kept his mouth shut. "Our sex life is fine. We do it a lot but let's not talk about that. You shouldn't be having sex until you're at least 16." I first had sex when I was 16 so I wasn't going to say she couldn't because I did but at 11 she doesn't need to be worried about it. 

We finished our shopping and we stopped by the apartment to drop our bags off and since we were here we just took my car to pick up dinner and head over to Luke. 

"Hi, Amanda." I smiled as I walked in. 

"Hi, here to see Luke?" She asked. 

"Yeah. I brought over dinner." I smiled. "Oh, this is my cousin Audrey. She's staying with us for the week." 

"Nice to meet you." Amanda said. "Ever been to the city?" 

"I haven't. It's so fun." She giggled. We chatted for a few more minutes before I walked down the hall and pushed his office door open. 


The door opened behind me and without even turning around I knew it was McKinley. She was the only one who never knocks. She claims that if I'm doing something naughty she doesn't want me to have time to get my clothes on. 

"Hi, babe." I smiled turning around to look at her. "Hi, Audrey." 

"Hi, Luke." She smiled and she sat down. 

"I'm with a client so give me a few minutes to wrap this up." I commented before turning back to my work. Once the client was finished, they left and I turned to the girls who were setting out dinner on the table. "What are we having?" I asked. 

"Chinese." McKinley answered and handed me a fork because I couldn't for my life figure out how to use chopsticks. I wish I could but I couldn't. She tried to teach me and I just couldn't figure it out. We all ate and chatted about our days. "What movie should we watch tonight?" She asked. 

"What do you wanna watch?" I asked her and she shrugged. She usually picked horror movies but with Audrey here she was probably going to pick some chick flick. Not that I minded, love stories always reminded me of my relationship with her. 

"Just Go With It!" Audrey said excited. 

"That's a good movie." I commented. "I'm pretty sure we have it at home." I answered eating. 

Once we were done eating we all cleaned up and they left while I finished a few things and stood up. I grabbed my laptop and locked the office door before heading out and locking the front door. Amanda had left at 4 since she came in early. 

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