Chapter 21

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The next morning, I was rudely awoken by Sam and Paul's arguing voices. I listened to them as I got dressed in a pair of running pants and a hoodie.

"I'm going with her Sam," Paul yelled.

"No, Paul, you're not," Sam responded at an equally loud and even more terrifying level.

"Yes, I am," Paul said. I could hear his confidence shaking as he tried to resist Sam's Alpha order.

"No," Sam snapped.

"Yes. She's my imprint and she needs me," Paul yelled.

"Well, I need you here, helping with patrols and teaching the pups," Sam said. I rolled my eyes, wanting to lash out at him because Paul does whatever Sam needs all of the time. I grabbed my phone and tried to make my way downstairs as quietly as possible. It was 6:57 so I knew Emily would already be up and downstairs in the kitchen.

"I'm not staying here," Paul said matter of factly. "I'm going with Destiny to her appointment and that's final."

"Too bad you don't get final say," Sam said. I walked right past the two that were arguing, and felt a very real pain in my chest because Paul was beyond angry and I just wanted to comfort him.

I took a seat at the table as tears started to fall down my cheeks. I hadn't even realized hearing Paul so upset would make me cry. I wiped that tears away as quickly as they formed but Emily noticed anyways.

"Sam," Emily said softly. I felt Sam's eyes on me as I tried to avoid looking at him.

"Fine, but I'm not letting you go because it's gonna benefit you," Sam snapped and ran out the back door.

"Thank you, Emily," Paul said before running over to me and pulling me into his lap.

"Shh, babygirl, it's okay," Paul cooed to me softly.

"I know, baby," I said, cuddling up in his arms.

"Here, you need to eat," Paul stabbed some eggs and tried to feed me.

I shook my hand and refused to eat them. "I can't. If I eat before these scans I get sick, but like because I'm nervous."

"You have no reason to be nervous," Paul said.

"I know, but I always get scared that they're going to find more cancer and that I'm going to be sick again, and I really don't want that," I said.

"Well, none of us want that, babe," Paul said. "We just want you to be healthy." He kissed my temple and started to eat while refusing to let me up. He insisted on holding my waist and keeping me safe. I rolled my eyes, but found it sort of cute.

Twenty minutes later, Emily was rushing us out the door trying to get us to my appointment on time.

The car ride was dead silent and there was an anxious feeling to the air. We all wanted me to be okay, but for some reason I just didn't have the optimism I usually do.

Even once we got to the office and we were waiting for the nurse to call me back, everything seemed like slow motion. I'd been through this a hundred times, but this time it felt different.

Soon enough, the nurse called me back, but that meant that Paul and Alex had to stay in the waiting room.

“Everything's going to be fine,” I said, kissing Paul's cheek. I was trying to reassure him one last time.

“You don't believe that,” he mumbled. I turned and walked away, knowing I wouldn't be able to pull myself away from him if I looked at him again.

They asked the usual rounds of questions; does this hurt? does that hurt? any pain doing this or that? All stuff that I've been asked a million times.

Then, they ushered me off for the scan, which felt like it lasted forever. Then, they made me return to the room and wait for the results. Luckily, they let Paul and Alex in for the time being.

“Destiny?” My oncologist, Dr. Adams, said, walking into the room.

“Dr. Adams, how're you?” I asked.

“I'm doing well,” she said. “How’ve you been since the accident?”

“Better now than ever,” I said, but didn't mean it. My pains started to come back. This time in my left hip instead of my knee, but the degree and pain were the same as always.

“Destiny,” Dr. Adams said. “Are you okay with everyone being in here for your results?” She looked at Paul skeptically.

“Yeah, of course,” I said, but knew the results considering her having to ask.

Destiny Rose Young || A Paul Lahote Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now