Chapter 5

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The next morning, I was woken up by the sound of someone running up the stairs as if they were being chased. My door creaked open, causing the noise to grow louder as someone's laugh echoed throughout the room. It sounded beautiful, making me hope it was Paul.

“Paul, get out here and deal with me like a real man,” Jared yelled.

“Shut up and get out. I'm sleeping,” I yelled throwing a pillow in the direction of my door. I heard Paul laugh again as he caught the pillow.

“Dest, you gotta protect me,” he said. I heard his quick footsteps as he made his way over to my bed and sat down, successfully putting me between him and the door.

I rolled my eyes and decided the boys would win so I had to get out of bed. I made my way downstairs as I heard Sam yelling at someone.

“Sammy, shhhh, it's too early,” I said, stopping long enough to rub his back jokingly.

“Not now Destiny,” he said. I went to continue on my journey to the kitchen when an all too familiar voice stopped me.

“Destiny,” my ex's voice caused me to freeze.

“Kyle, leave,” I said without looking at him. I heard Paul's rushed footsteps as he heard Kyle was here.

“Dest, we need to talk,” he said.

I spun around to face him and almost fell. I caught myself quickly. “Kyle, it's Destiny and you were asked to leave.”

“Destiny, I came to apologise,” he said.

“You have,” I said. I could feel Paul's presence beside me and noticed he was shaking with anger. I placed my hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

“Kyle, what's behind your back?” Sam asked angrily.

“It's nothing,” he said. Sam grabbed his arm and pulled it from behind his back. Sure enough he holding a pair of binoculars.

“What?” Sam asked.

“Sam, come on. Out of the house,” Jared said as Sam started to visibly shake. Jared and Paul pulled Sam outside.

“What were you thinking?” I asked as he stepped into the house.

“Em, call Charlie,” I yelled.

“Why am I calling the Police Chief?” She asked and Kyle took off running for his car. Maybe that'd keep him away for a while.

“What's going on with Sam?” I asked.

“He's not exactly small. If he gets super mad things tend to get broken,” she said, shrugging it off.

I nodded in understanding as I fidgeted with my necklace.

“What's that?” She asked, motioning to my necklace.

“Just my good luck charm,” I said, messing with the small pendant. It was a symbol in Makah religion for twins. Alex and I both got one for Christmas one year from Mom and Dad.

About ten minutes later the boys walked back into the house. Paul took a seat next to me and started frantically looking at me like he expected me to be injured when he returned.

“He didn’t lay a hand on you, did he?” Paul asked nervously.

“No, I told Em to call Charlie and he took off,” I said. I placed my hand on top of Paul’s hand that was sitting on the table in attempt to calm him.

“Why the Hell was he here?” Paul asked, interlocking our fingers and looking at Sam.

“All he said was that he wanted to talk to Destiny. I told him no obviously, and then started yelling at him to get out and never come back,” Sam said, taking a seat at the table and starting to eat. Jared eagerly grabbed some food as Paul listened to Sam talk. Emily joined us at the table and looked at Paul and I’s hands skeptically.

“What are we going to do about him?” Paul asked as I grabbed a muffin and started to pull it apart with my free hand.

“Nothing,” I said, looking at him.

“What?” he asked, looking at me angrily.

“He’s not worth it,” I said. “So long as he doesn’t lay a hand on me he isn’t worth it.”

“And if we’re not here to protect you?” Paul asked.

“He’s terrified of Sam. I don’t think he’s coming back anytime soon,” I explained. Paul relaxed a little and started to eat as Sam and Jared talked about something else.

“Where’s Alex?” I asked.

“Probably still in bed. It’s only quarter to seven,” Emily said. I looked at the clock on the wall for the first time since I got up and sure enough, it was only 6:45 in the morning.

“Do you two have a death wish?” I asked. “What the heck am I doing out of bed already?”

“I missed you,” Paul said, smiling like a dork.

“I miss my sleep,” I said. “Why were you up so early?”

“Sam made us get up,” Jared whined. I nodded, knowing I wouldn’t get more of an explanation even if I asked.

Destiny Rose Young || A Paul Lahote Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now