Chapter 7

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Paul pulled up in front of Bella Italia, a small Italian restaurant, before throwing his truck into park. He hopped out of the car and practically ran around to my side and opened the door. I stepped out and grabbed his hand, interlocking our fingers quickly. He stiffened up at first before relaxing his hand with mine.

“Calm down, Paul,” I said softly. “Everything’s going to be okay.”

“I know, babe,” he said, smiling at me softly before leading me into the restaurant.

“Dinner for two,” Paul said to the hostess. She nodded and grabbed our menus before leading us towards the table.

“Here you go. Your waitress Paige will be with you in a few minutes,” she said, smiling at us before leaving.

“What are you going to eat?” Paul asked after a few moments of both of us looking at the menu.

“Ravioli,” I said, looking at him. “Let’s keep the list short and you can just tell me what you don’t want.”

“Ha. Ha,” he said.

“I thought it was funny,” I said, smiling at him.

“You’re adorable,” he said.

“Why thank you,” I said dramatically. A genuine smile grew on Paul’s face, causing me to smile too.

“Hello. I’m Paige, your waitress for this evening. Is there something I can get you two to drink?” she asked.

Paul looked at me to go first. I could tell she was staring Paul down, but I tried to hide my annoyance with her. “Water, please.”

She didn’t make a move to write down anything, and continued to stare at Paul. He looked at her in complete disgust. “My girlfriend would like a water, and I’ll have one too.”

“Two waters, got it,” she said, snapping out of her awe and scribbling it down before heading back to get our drinks.

“Well, someone has an effect on people,” I said, laughing awkwardly.

“I don’t get it,” he said. “Besides, you’re way more beautiful than her.” I blushed at his words, causing him to chuckle at my reaction.

“Th-thanks,” I stuttered nervously.

“You’re welcome,” he said smoothly, as if I hadn’t just stumbled over the most simple response in the English language.

“Here are your drinks,” Paige said, returning with our drinks and setting them on the table. “What can I get for you?”

“Cheese ravioli, please,” I said, annoyance clear in my tone as she continued to stare at Paul. I could've sworn her shirt magically got cut lower while she was getting our drinks.

“Got it. Cheese ravioli,” she scribbled it down and turned to Paul. “And for you?” She had a flirty smile on her lips.

“I’ll have some spaghetti and meatballs,” Paul said. The whole time he looked right past her and directly into my eyes. I smiled at him while she stormed off.

“What?” I asked as Paul smirked at me.

“You’re jealous,” he sung.

“So what,” I said, smiling at him.

“It’s cute on you,” he said, causing me to smile more genuinely.

Paul and I talked for the next half an hour while we were waiting for our food.

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