"Jeez, Harry," Niall jumped, smiling as he turned to face the Luna properly. They hugged for a moment and had to break off when some betas pushed past them.

"What is going on here?" Harry asked, his head turning around in confusion.

Niall gave him a white rose, "today is our pack's centenary birthday in normal words. It is an occasion we celebrate here every year but this one is even more special because of the number. "

Harry looked down at the blossoming white rose, "what about this rose? Why are you giving me this?" he noticed one was tucked in Niall's pocket too.

Niall smirked playfully, "it is a couple entry pass. We omegas choose our partners from within this pack and give them this rose and in return, they accompany us to the party. So go ahead, choose your partner."

Harry rolled the rose in between his index finger and thumb, "I don't have anyone to ask. I don't even want to come."

Niall placed his hand over Harry's, "you have to come, Harry. You are the Luna now." with a soft slap on Harry's shoulder, Niall grinned, "and you know the best part? You don't need to choose your alpha. You can choose anyone. You are not going to be questioned about your choices. Or you can come alone but people mostly come as a couple."

Harry smiled. When Niall smiled it is really a tough job not to join him, "really? That helps me, I guess."

Niall looked bewildered for a moment, "are you two still fighting?"

Harry looked away from those sad blue eyes, they reminded him of someone, "we are always fighting, Niall. We don't belong together. Both of us are waiting for the trial to be over."

Niall did not stretch the matter anymore, well, he did not get the time. Sophia was suddenly in front of them with a white rose in her hands. Harry noticed how the omega sneered at Niall. Harry placed a hand on Niall's shoulder, looking at Sophia with an impassive expression. Sophia's expression crumbled slightly at that but she did not back out.

"You know, Niall, I am going to ask Liam and I am sure he is going to say yes. Do you even have anyone you can ask without getting rejected?" her tone was mockingly sweet.

Niall looked at her with tired eyes, his expression holding nothing, "do whatever you feel like, Sophia. Liam is yours anyway."

Harry and Sophia both watched with furrowed eyes how Niall walked away from them. His posture hunched and defeated.

Harry turned to face Sophia then, "I feel sorry for you."

Sophia turned to face Harry, "what?" her brows quirked up.

Harry shrugged, "no matter how hard you try Liam always runs behind Niall. Even you know that, Sophia." Harry felt satisfied when the omega's face twisted. Harry shrugged, unbothered, "I don't know what Liam is thinking right now but know this, honey," he leaned closer to Sophia, "you are always going to be a mistress, a mistress who is not worthy enough to take the mate's spot. We both know, when the time comes, Liam will choose Niall." Harry straightened up, holding his chin high, "that is the sole reason you are so jealous of him."

Harry did not wait for her reply, he just walked past her. She was not worth his time anyway.

---***--- ---***---

"Niall is coming this way," Louis said, peering over Liam's shoulder. Liam shrugged, a smirk tilting his lips, "he has no one to go to, you know? Obviously, I am his only choice."

Zayn was sitting beside Louis on the bonnet of Louis' Jeep, while Liam was standing in front of them. They were sharing a cigarette.

"This negligence will cost you one day, I am telling you." Zayn shook his head, taking the cigarette off Louis' lips even though Louis protested.

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