Interview with the vampire - Mikaela Hyakuya

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Hello hello. Today, we got interview with Mikaela Hyakuya. Hello Mika and welcome.

Mika: Hello...

I'm glad that you came here. Also, I'm glad you accepted to be main character in my new story, Taken.

Mika: Well, thank you for inviting me.

Before we start, I wanna tell the fangirls about the story. It's about love between Mika and Yuu.

Mika: True. I'm so happy that I'll be in a same story with Yuu-chan.

So, let's talk about the story, Taken. I got inspiration from your show, Owari no seraph.

Mika: That was good project. We'll continue with the show maybe.

So, Taken. It's story about the cruel vampire Mika who lost his lover Yuu. 

Mika: It's pretty hard and painful to lost someone who you love. But, all those memories and love is keeping you alive.

So, to uncover some spoilers to our fans. Yuu will be back as a child. How will you accept that he's the clone of the original Yuu?

Mika: Well, at first it was strange since I know Yuu-chan my whole life. But, I wonder how did you find the young Yuu-chan?

Eh.. Thank that to Krul...

Mika: I knew it... She'll save me as usual... I'm grateful to know her, even she's vampire... I hate vampires.

So, let's uncover more spoilers. Guren Ichinose is your enemy in the story. How will you accept the fact that he killed your lover?

Mika: I really hate that guy... He used Yuu-chan and at the end he killed him. Nobody hurts my Yuu-chan.

I see... But in the story, he'll kidnap the little Yuu... How you feel about that?

Mika: Yes, the plot is cruel... But I'll save my Yuu-chan no matter what.

One last question.

Mika: Yes?

According to my plot, there will be smut scenes. How did you accept them?

Mika: (blushes) It's hard to make love with little Yuu-chan...

But, I never said he'll be little one~

Mika: Oh... Which means?

Yes... But, that details I'll leave for the story. And read your role, Mika! Once again thank you Mika that you accept my offer to be main character in my new story, Taken.

Mika: It's pleasure to work with you, Tsuki-chan.

Well that was Mikaela Hyakuya. See ya next time with the interview with his lover and beloved partner, Yuuichiro Hyakuya. 

Mika: Thank you all and support us or you'll get killed~

Mika that was cruel!

Mika: Just saying. See ya in our story, guys (waves)

Well, see ya in the next chapter (waves)

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