Chapter 3

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'No matter where I go, I'm always going to want you back'

In the human world, they are always told that the best romantic story is meeting the guy/girl of your dreams in a coffee shop, while accidentally reaching for the same muffin. You exchange looks that could kill, but end up having an awkward conversation. In the end numbers are exchanged, and then live happily ever after.

But compared to wolves, humans can have multiple soul mates. You fall in love, get heartbroken and fall in love again. It's not easy to fall in love being a wolf. You're told from the very beginning about how your inner wolf already has a soulmate. Can't pick and choose.

So you spend all your life waiting for your mate to give you that overwhelming feeling of desire. A feeling that is unexplainable, all you know is that you need to spend every waking moment with him.

Instead of experiencing love, you wait. You wait for something that could possibly never come. Because falling in love with someone who isn't already deep in your soul, could be deadly.

I slightly brushed my fingers across a row of white gowns while listening to my mother chat away with the store lady.

Zara had already grabbed a few dresses to put in the changing room. It was just us since everyone else apparently had other things to do.

I rolled my eyes in disgust as I looked at all the dresses, not only did I think they were aweful, but the thought that I'm actually going to have to wear one repulsed me.

"I'm sorry, A", Zara must have noticed my expression, "I wish I could help.."

"It's not your fault. It's just another role I have to play for my father..", I huffed out as I grabbed a dress to try on.

It had a corset in the back, with long sparkly jewels running all the way down to the bottom. It actually squeezed my hips and I couldn't breath as Zara tighten the strings.

"Damn Zara! I..I-ca..can't breath..", I grabbed my chest to mimic the universal sign of choking. She just rolled her eyes at me. Thanks Zara, great friend.

I stepped out from the curtain and slowly made my way to the stage. My mom dropped her mouth as soon as she saw me, "Oh honey! You look wonderful!".

Shit, I wanted to look terrible. "It's kind of tight mom.."

"Nonsense! You look classy", she walked around me while throwing her hands in the air, "This is the one!"

"This is the first one she's tried on Ellie", Zara chimes in her two cents. Mom just rolled her eyes and started to look for a tiara and heels.

"You do look beautiful Aria", Zara teased me as she smacked my butt.

"I agree..", I heard a husky voice behind me, of course it was Nixon.

"Dude! You aren't suppose to be here", Zara snapped at him.

"I'm suppose to be fitting for my tux, I can't help it that it's at the same place", Nixon looked me up and down like I was a piece of meat, but I couldn't help but blush. I haven't had anyone look at me the way he does. Usually all the wolves in the pack are too scared to speak to the Alpha's daughter. I don't blame them, I wouldn't want to get wrapped up in my messy life either.

Even though the wedding is months away, mother likes to have things done now than later. I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror. Maybe I could be a good wife, for the pack of course. Nothing more. I actually get along with Nixon now, probably because of the mere fact that he gives me attention more than anyone ever has. I liked it.

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