The Love Of a Father

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I look down at the ground and take a deep breath, today is the first time I'll see my daughter after leaving prison. I was excited, but also nervous, she may not even remember me or even like me. It's hard to think about, but it's the truth and I have to face it.  I don't know what her mother has been telling her for all this time, she may have filled that poor girls head with lies. I just hope that my daughter will grow a bond with me, I know it will take time,  but I hope that it will eventually happen. 

It took about an hour, but I can finally see that cute face smiling as she walks closer to me. This was it, and I couldn't be any happier. A huge smile creeps onto my face, and I can't help but let it stay. She runs at me and hugs my leg as tight as possible "Daddy! Daddy! I can see you again! I can see you!" She yells as she jumps up and down, smiling. I pick her up and hold her tight "I can see you too Pumpkin, I can see you too..." I whisper in her ear, trying to stay strong. I looked up at the adult in front of me "If you decide you want to keep her, you can come down with us to the foster home when I pick her up. You can sign all the paperwork there, then you can get custody since you are her biological father," he explains. I nodded "Alright, thank you, sir."

He walked away and got into the minivan, it was most likely the foster homes van, but I couldn't be sure. It was a shiny gray color and the windows were dirty. Smoke puffed from the exhaust as he drove away, the van was definitely old. 

I look down at Emily "Ready Pumpkin?" I ask, smiling. She nods "Yeah! I wanna do whatever you like Daddy," she says, smiling. "Okay, that sounds perfect. How about we go home and watch some movies? We can get pizza for lunch, my homemade spaghetti for dinner, and a special surprise for dessert." She wiggles in excitement "Yay! That sounds awesome!" She yells as she throws her arms into the air.  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2018 ⏰

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