Chapter 9

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This is a weird morning.I woke up and saw a note on my dressing table that wrote, "Hi sweetie.I'm going to London for a week so I hope that if you have problems you'll call me ok? And I want you to skip school today.I'll call you later.Love you with all my heart Mom,"

"Mom is going to London? And she's wants me to skip school?"

Just when I was wondering why mom wants me to skip school Eris barges into my room and said, "Elise can I borrow one of your necklace? Mine is- hey what's wrong?"

"I was wondering why on my note mom wants me to skip school,"

"What?! That's impossible.Mine just wrote "Eris please take care of your sisters and stop shouting! Love you with all my heart Mom,"

"I wonder what Erin's note wrote,"

"Hey guys do you think mom can get a picture of 1D for me while she's at London? What's the matter?"

"Mom wants me to skip school,"

Erin laughed so hard.She was almost choking.

"Elise I know you're my big sister but please I lie better than that!"

"I'm not lying" I showed her the note. "She literally wants me to skip school.What did mom wrote on your note?"

Erin ran to her room and came back to my room with the note in her hand.

"Here read it," And so I did. It was a short note saying that Erin should clean up her toys when she's done playing with them.

"This doesn't make any sense. I know prom kinda sucked but that doesn't mean I can't go to school,"

"I'm sorry Elise but I have to go I'm late for my lecture,but can I still borrow your necklace?"


"Thanks," she hugged me and then Erin "Have a nice day guys,"

Then me and Erin stared at each other.

"What?! Stop staring at me like that.It's creepy,"

"Don't you have something important to do? Like um I don't know getting ready for school?!"

"What? My school starts in an another hour,"

"What are you waiting for? Go!"

She stormed out of my room straight to the bathroom.Since had nothing to do so I ran to the kitchen to make breakfast for us.

I pull my hair up to a messy bun and wore my kitchen apron that says "A Mess In The Kitchen." I decided to make pancakes from a pancake mix.I could use mom's recipe but then I realized that I didn't memorized her recipe.

So I prepared the batter,took out my non-stick pan and greased some butter on it.

And our breakfast was ready.I stacked six pancakes and topped it up with syrup and a banana on the side and milk. Mine were topped with syrup and a juicy apple with milk.

"Erin are you ready? I made breakfast!"

"I'll be right down!"

Then she came running down wearing her 'Love Me Love Me Not' shirt and a pair of skinny jeans.Pink Converse and her lucky bracelet.

"Pancakes yum!"

"Why the lucky bracelet?"

"I feel like I need some luck,"

"Why is that?"

"A boy at school always does mean things to me.So I hope today will change,"

"Oh that's how the story goes,"

"Thanks for making breakfast Elise." she stopped eating and looked at the clock. "It's 7.30.Another thirty minutes school is gonna start.Gotta go.Bye!"


Now I don't know what to do.I'm supposed to be at school now but instead I'm just sitting at home figuring out why mom wants me not to go to school.

More than words is all you have to do to make it real,

There goes my ringtone.I already knew who was calling.It's mom.


"Hi mom,"

"Hi sweetie.Look I'm sorry for wanting you to skip school.I just don't think you want to be laughed at when you go to school,"

"Mom I'll be fine.Don't worry about me.Yes,I know I'll be laughed at when I go to school but it's okay.I'm growing up mom.I'll have to face my problem myself,"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm super duper crazy sure,"

"So you'll be going to school tomorrow okay?"


"I love you honey,"

"Love you more mom,"

"Tell your sisters I love them"

"I will,"

"Bye call me okay,"

"Okay bye,"

So that's the reason mom wants me to skip school.She's always worrying about us girls.Well what can she do? She's a mom.

"Since no one is here I guess I can bake some cookies and cakes and cupcakes,"

I extremely love baking.Everytime it's someone's birthday I'll bake the cake.Including Ryan's birthday.Enough about him.

I love watching cooking videos from DivasCanCook and HowToCookThat at YouTube.Their desserts are so amazing.

Today I decided to make the Choc Chip cookies and Red Velvet cupcakes from HowToCookThat and Devils Food cake from DivasCanCook.

I finished the cookies batter then the cupcake batter then the cake batter.

Bake them one by one and BOOM! Dessert is ready.I think I was in the kitchen too long cause it was almost one in the afternoon.

"School should be over by now,"

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Who's there?"

I opened the door and was surprised to see Ryan in front of it.


Before he could open his mouth I punched him and he fell to the ground.

''I deserved that,"

"What are you doing here?!"

"I know I've been an asshole to you for these past few weeks,"

"It's almost a month,"

"Ok.Look I'm really sorry! I know what I did was unforgivable and you can kick me,punch me or to make it simple beat the hell out of me.But I just want us to be best friends again,"

"Best friends again?! After all of the rude and cruel things you did and said to me?!"

"I'm sorry,"

"Dream on.I won't forgive you,"

Then he grabbed my hand,looked at me in the eyes and said "I'm truly truly sorry,"

"You're really sorry?"

"Very! I'm very truly so so so sorry!"

"Ok,we can't be best friends again,"

Then I slammed the door in his face.I wish he would just stop lying.

Just when I wanted to frost my cake,my phone rang.

On top of the screen I saw the word Lana on it.Lana is my friend it's just that we don't usually hang out.

"Hey what's up?"

"Not much but Carter's moving again!"


Hello! What do you think about Carter moving? I wanted to keep him but then Ryan and Elise won't have any chemistry. Hope you had a great day.Comment vote or whatever.

Love you guys so much!

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