Chapter 3

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                 AMAZING NEWS.

"Elise! I got amazing news. They're having a senior prom! Isn't that just amazing?"

"Sure does sound quite amazing"

My words left Ryan's mouth dangling open.

"Ryan,are you okay?"

" Elise,senior prom is gonna be our last high school prom ever! You're supposed to be jumping up and down for this,like every other girls."

"And by other girls,you mean you?" I laughed while he glared at me and says

"Elise,come on this is great for both us. Please go to this prom."

Then Sandra Stewart stopped walking with her friends,came to us and said

"Are you guys talking bout' the senior prom? Well,you can go to prom but don't even think about stealing my prom queen tiara!" Then she walked away.

"I won't even dream of it,sunshine!"

"Ryan,I'll think about it okay?"

"No thinking I want- "


"There goes the bell. Ryan,can we talk bout' this later. I'm late for chemistry class. "



"Good morning class."

"Good morning Mrs Wood."

And then the class started.It was the same old boring routine. Opening textbook,learning,assignment and stuff. It was a bored classroom.

As class was over,I was packing my stuff and was ready to walk out the door until Jason Adams stopped me.

"Hey,Elise what's up?"

"What's up is that I have a little sister I need to babysit so please stop blocking the door."

"I want to ask you bout' something,it'll be real quick!"

"Fine talk,"

"Will you go to the prom with me?"

Those words made my mouth shut up.

" You,want to go with me to the prom?"

"Why not?"


"Cool,love ya."

Then he kissed me on the cheek. Lots of things were running in my mind. But I can't like him.He's an asshole,he broke a lot of hearts. Nope. You can't like him cause' you love Ryan..

Shut up me!

Ryan and Elise sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G -


Why am I arguing with myself?

As I was looking for Ryan,I saw him already waithing for outside.

"What took you so long,you fell in love with a book again?"

"No,I was late c-cause,"

Should I tell him?

"I was late because Jason Adams asked me to prom,"

"R-really? What did you say?"

"I said yes"

"Oh that's great!"

Ryan's POV

"Oh that's great!"

That is most definitely not great! I wanted is to go together! But I guess I was too late.

You were not too late,you didn't had the guts to ask her about it.

"You don't understand!"

Oh no!

"Don't understand what?" said Elise.


"Ok,shall we go?"

"Yes,we shall,"

Elise and I walked home together,but the thought that she said the word yes to Jason Adams?! That I cannot believe,I mean the guy has two Porsche. But he's an asshole who's broken a lot of innocent hearts. Why can't I be with Elise?


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