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I still can't get over on how me and Ryan are no longer friends. He thinks he's so cute with that brown eyes and his brown hair and h-whoa hold on Elise he's not your friend anymore!

"So sis what are you gonna do when you see Ryan at school today?"

"What else am I gonna do? I'll ignore him,"

"Well alright,"

"Mom I better get going see you love you!"

"Bye sweetheart, "

Ms Landon was basically non-stop babbling of how we were not focusing,not taking notes and stuff like that.

I was packing my back earlier than I was supposed to just to make sure I was the first one out of the door.

People were running and bumping into each other in the hallway. I could barely see anything.Maybe that was because I was quite short. I was just almost out the door until somebody bumped into me and I crashed into someone.


"Hey if you wanna fall on me can you start with the heart?



I got up as fast as could.

"Elise Burman huh never thought I'd see your pretty face again,"

He gave me a big strong hug so strong I couldn't breath!

"Carter Sullivan.I thought you moved to Japan,"

"Yeah but my dad's boss asked him to transfer back here,"

"Okay then so are you the same old Carter I know?"

"Can you guess? I'm still hot,"

"Yup same old Carter,"

"Hey where's your best friend uh what's his name uh..."


"Yeah that's the name! Where is he anyway?"

"I'm no longer his friend.He decided to be an asshole and he also decided that I could be a bitch,"


"Well what can I do? He made his choice, you know what let's not think about him and let's go split a pizza"

"Sounds great shall we?"

"We shall,"

Carter is an absolute down to earth Guy.He's sweet,funny,romantic yet super friendly.He's never let anyone down.

We once went to the prom together. That was the last night I saw him.He had to go to Japan the next morning.I missed him,but now that he's back I can do stuff with him.

"Cheesy pizza is always a number one choice,"

"You're telling me,"

"You know Elise,you've never changed since I left here and that would be two years ago,"

"Is it so bad?"

"No.It's a good thing actually,"


"Hey,tonight's movie night right?"

"You remember?"

"Of course!"

"Yeah it's movie night but Eris is picking the movie tonight,"


"Well do you want to go to the movies tonight?"

"Sure I guess.It could release me from stress,"

"Great.So I'll pick you up at 7?"

"Kay' "

"Cool! It's a date!"

"Ye-wait what?!"

Before I could say anything he ran off screaming the word "yes!" super loud.

I wish I could understand guys.They're so predictable yet so mysterious.They're just like girls but a little insensitive.

Ryan and his 'cool troops' were walking and I tried my best to hide from them but unfortunately they found me.Of course Ryan's 'girlfriend ' spoke first.

"Hey Elise how's life?"

"Why do you care? You manipulated my best friend's mind by saying you love him and how do I say this...I'm fine!"

"Don't you raise your voice at me! Babe,can you please tell your ex best friend to be nicer to me?"

"Elise be nicer! Sandra cares about you,don't be such a bitch!"

"Sorry that's just who I am. Goodbye!"


I am such an asshole.I can't believe me and Elise are now super enemies.I miss her.I need her and I love her.

I made a mistake.Wait but she's the one who started the fight,she's the one who should be begging for me to come back.

Good Ryan.Be an asshole.Elise will be kneeling and pleading for you to come back and be her best friend.


I am so worried and nervous about this date with Carter. What should I wear? Should I be wearing make up? A lot of stupid questions ran through my mind. I guess I looked so worried that Eris and mom came to check on me.

"Hey sweetie what's going on?"

"Nothing.Do you guys remember Carter? Carter Sullivan?"

"Of course we remember him! He's the one who fixed that leaking pipe we had before and brought us a muffin basket.He's so hot!"

"Well,that's the problem.He asked me out on a date,"

The reaction on their faces was so unpredictable!

"He asked you out on a date?! Sis you need lots of help!"

" Sweetheart are you sure you're okay?"

" Not really mommy,"

"Don't worry we're here to help you out,"

And they helped me out.Eris picked out the cutest outfit that looked flirty but still casual,mom handled the make up and the result was unbelievable.

I finally looked pretty.I thanked them a thousand times until I heard a knock on the door.

"Okay Elise,you're ready,"

"Am I? I'm so nervous,"

"Don't worry about it.Now go and have fun honey,"

"Thanks mom. Love you guys so much,"

As I stepped out of the door I saw Carter holding a rose in his hands and smiling.

"Wow you look amazing Elise,"

"Why thank you Carter that's very nice of you,"

"Shall we go?"

"Yes we shall,"

We bought the tickets and of course popcorns are essential. We ended up watching X-Men: Days Of Future Past.It was amazing.Carter was so funny. He was just so lovable.He sent me home and he was charming.

"Elise I had a great time,"

"Me too,"

"So I guess I'll see you tomorrow,"


"Bye Elise,"

He took my hand and kissed it like in the movies.

He left me speechless.

But Ryan's face was on my mind all the time when I was on the date.

Why is my life so confusing?

Hello my friends! How was your day? Hope it went well! Don't forget to leave a comment.If you think that this story needs improvement please let me know.

Love you guys.

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