Chapter 13

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I jumped out of the window almost immediately, I didn't want to see her reaction towards the.... Well that. Maybe she liked it? Or maybe it's the fact that she didn't have enough time to shove me out of the window. Or maybe she was scared of the clatter, she is timid after all... I wonder if she likes me back... She probably does right? Maybe? Sort of? Ugh...

"I mean... I haven't done anything to her... Well not anything that could change her life forever- okay maybe one thing but I don't think that's the problem right?" I looked at the cat that was following me "Right?" I asked it, in return the cat purred and shook it's head, I'm taking that as a no. Even the cat believes it's not a problem! Yes! But wait... Did the cat even understand what I even said? Probably not... I guess the cat was just someone to talk to.

"But it's not like she'll choose anyone else, I was her first kiss" I stated cockily with a smile that was placed onto my face

"She was, that means there's still a chance that she might shrug it off" Huh? Wait, someone was actually hearing me? Not just a cat? I looked around the found Masky right beside me, I sighed

"You're just saying that" I stated while frowning and crossing my arms, and looking at him, I bet he's just doing that so he would bring me down... Well not today!

"I'm not, I know how humans work, and believe me, who would she rather care for? A killer, or a nice boy down the street? Think about it Toby, one kiss isn't going to change her perspectives" Masky explained, though I shook my head, it actually got me to think about it for a moment.

"How do you know that? For all I know you could be saying that so I'd just end her life! I'm not someone you can manipulate, I can make my own choices! I'm not a little kid!" I growled as my neck cracked a little and my arm twitched, I shook it off "I can't say she'll like me back, I'm saying I have a chance"

"You act like one! Just like a child! I'm trying to help you think the right way, the girl? She'll die off easily, considering I almost killed her more than once" he said as he crossed his arms

"So? I'll be there to protect her"

"Toby, I'm trying to help you, even though I'd rather have you get in trouble with Slender, I'm actually trying to help you"

"You can help me by helping Robyn" I mumbled

"How? By not killing her? Toby please, the girl is afraid of me, even so, it's irrational to keep her alive, just wait until you tell her about-"

"Don't talk about that, she won't know, it's rational because Slender will never find out as long as I keep her away from the woods, and so, yes, don't kill her, she isn't afraid of you, she's afraid because you were holding a knife to her throat that's it, other than that I don't think she'll fear you, please Masky.... Actually do this for me" I told him as I uncrossed my arms and held them to my side, I looked around and noticed that we were actually walking - on a sidewalk. No one really noticed, it looked abandoned anyway

"What's in it for me? At least give me something, since I'll be babysitting the girl" Masky tilted his head to the side; waiting for me to say something, I sighed and thought of a bribe, when I did think of one I smiled

"Cheesecake. I'll get you cheesecake, as much as you want" I stated, though I sounded somewhat like a salesmen, I've always hates those people, they're so weird...

"Hm... Interesting... I'll consider it, but don't think this as me warming up to you, if she finds out we work for Slender, I'll have to kill her, or better yet, you will, since she's your pet" I clenched my fist as he said that

"She isn't my pet! She's a girl, that's my friend"

"Just make sure it stays like that, don't make her end up being my victim..." Masky mumbled as he started to walk past me "oh and I hope you don't mind, but today is your job to put up pages, Slender said his first proxy doesn't have to today" he chuckled, as my jealousy burned inside

I hated that he smothered that in my face, ooh first proxy did that. And ooh first proxy's kill! And blegh! What about the third proxy!? I'm standing right here too you know!? Not just the first two proxies! Ugh! I saw him walk back into the woods, I didn't even notice when he handed me the pages and walked off, I sighed then looked at the pages. I did some of those... I bet Slender was too busy being taken away by Masky to even notice....

Putting up pages... Putting up pages.... Is so annoying.... There, all done. I sighed as I placed another page where it needs to be, then started to walk out of the woods, or forest, whatever it's called. I don't know the difference. Sigh. I looked at the sky as thunder roared into the sky, and lightning pierced it right after, I don't know why, but I always thought lightning was faster, but I guess not. I groaned as it started to rain, and I had just left the woods! Forest! Whatever!

"Now where do I have to go?" I looked around, it was getting darker too, now that I notice it, great. Oh well, I smiled and started my aimless walk, that is until I saw someone really... Familiar in front of me.

She had blond hair, pulled into a ponytail, she was kind of tall but not too tall, and had a small frame, my eyes widened, could she possibly be...? No... It couldn't be...

"Lyra?" I mumbled, loudly enough for her to hear, the umbrella covered her face slightly but I didn't really care, it couldn't be Lyra... Could it? She didn't turn around, but is went after her

"Lyra!" I said a little louder then I grabbed her shoulder, but when she turned, she looked completely different, she had completely different features, I let go of her shoulder and backed away a little

"I'm sorry, where you looking for someone?" The lady asked, she looked a little closer then saw my hatchets, and some dried blood on it; she screamed and in returned I knocked her out, I took her into the woods, and dropped her there, where I felt Slender nearby, he'll kill her in such a way... I don't really want that at the moment, I grabbed my hatchet and stabbed her in the stomach, she had woken up and screamed in pain, but I covered her mouth and continued until she died.

I stood up almost too quickly, then ran, I didn't know where but I ran with all the strength I had, the memories... They.... Were too much at the moment... I ran aimlessly into the night, or at least that's what it looked like to me. That's how I see it at times anyway, these goggles kind of darken things for me.

After running aimlessly with the rain and the wind funding against me and the thunder booming into my eardrums, and the lightning flashing and almost scaring me, almost. I slowed down when I ran out of the strength to keep my complete run, then I noticed where I was at. It was Robyn's house. Was that the direction I was running this whole time?

I didn't waste my time thinking about it and ran over to her house and jumped over her fence. When I saw her window I climbed up to it and opened the window quietly and opened it, then almost fell backwards as I felt the cool breeze of air conditioning. But I didn't care, I stepped inside and closed the window quietly, I looked around, then stumbled over my own shoes as I shivered and twitched and walked at the same time, I felt her bed then looked at the silhouette of her face. She looked so... Pretty. Heh, that's a word I can use I suppose...

Shivering, I laid on the floor and curled myself up into a ball, making shivering sounds and twitching around, I couldn't stand the cold, then me wearing these clothes, I felt my face go numb even though I'm not feeling it anyway. I think I must've woken up Robyn, because the next thing I knew, I hear a slight thud right next to me, I tensed, but I don't think she even noticed. I felt her touch my head and try to lift it up but I grabbed her wrist before she even could, I opened my eyes and looked at her, making sure it was actually her. Not a random person or even Masky. I picked my head up and she placed a pillow under it, then it slumped into it. So warm.... I felt a blanket wrap around me and I clutched it and held it tightly to me.

After a while I actually fell asleep, but with thoughts revolving around me... I wonder though, does Robyn care about me so much that she would do that? Or... Did she help me because she felt bad? Before I even had the time to even answer those or think about it more, I fell asleep

its ts not edited, sorry, I'll re-read it to see if I misspelled anything, Hope you enjoyed the chapter ^_^

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