Chapter 2

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My eyes widen as I started to struggle and wiggle around; of course, none of it worked, and I was stuck in a hold... Wait a minute. Let's hope it's a guy.... I closed my eyes and shot my foot up, hitting the killer in his... Well spot. It's a guy. Thank goodness, he huffs as he, well lost his grip; I take the advantage and kick him away from me and grabbed the nearest thing that I could find. A book. Just great.

I shake my head and close my eyes as I swing my book at the killer. I missed, wait - why did I close my eyes in the first place?! I thought solemnly as I backed away and ran downstairs quickly and grabbed a knife that I almost cut myself with when I was but a child. The killer ran behind me and stood near the table, and got hit by the moonlight. It was him.

The guy the old man was talking about... He wasn't crazy, he must've seen him watching me or something, which is why... He told me, how he looked like, and I'm surprised that he was accurate about his looks, except one thing he missed was... The goggles.

He wore these weird goggles that covered his eyes, so I couldn't see his eyes. I growled and held on tightly to the knife until my fear made my hands even more sweaty than they were before... Only because this killer is taller, and held on to two hatchets that had dried blood on it.

My first instinct is to run for my life, but I know I won't get far so easily, and that's why I'm holding on to this knife like it was my life; thus, making me feel even worse than I was before. My stomach felt like everything was pulling down on it, and I felt like vomiting.

The minute I tried to move he threw a hatchet at me; I dodged as it hit the wall. He then ran at me, full sprint, of course I couldn't have him grab me; I don't have the strength to fight back. I knew I should've taken my Athletics class more seriously....

I scream in fear when he threw another one right at me, which I dodged, but because of my last minute hesitation; my left

shoulder got scratched up. yelping, I threw the knife at him, which he caught easily and tried to stab my shoulder with. With all my force I tried to hold it back, but instead I moved the knife; so he'd stab the floor instead, in a smart way I rolled over, so I'd be on top of him.

"Not so fine now huh?" I muttered angrily

"Sorry" Wait. What?

"What did you say?" I asked, my chest feeling pulled back; fear was starting to get the better of me

"Sorry, but I have to kill you" He said softly, great. And I thought my luck was going to turn.... He rolled on top if me and raised the knife in the air, and stabbed my shoulder. With all my might I scream, so the neighbors can hear. Hell, so the world can hear. But unfortunately, he covers my mouth and muffles half of my screams; with anger and fear burning inside of my I kneed his stomach and pushed him off of me

I really hate how weak I am right now; because I'm blacking out slowly, I couldn't hold on - what was that sound? Sirens. The police, someone must've heard my scream and called the police! I felt a bit of gratitude, but it was soon taken away when he stood up, grabbed his hatchets rather quickly; and ran out through the back door. Though he said something, which made me scream again, but in more fear than there was of pain in my arm

"Don't worry, we'll have fun again next time." I could almost see him smirking, except i cant see. Reason number one: Its dark. Reason number two: me being weak is causing me to lose a little bit of my eyesight.

The police came in minute later with their guns cocked and ready to shoot, though they had missed him, I was glad that they were here; they called the paramedics and put me into a gurney, my head turned to the side to get a glimpse of the neighborhood before I blacked out, I only saw something that I didn't want to see.

Him. He was watching me. This whole time.... How could I not see it? I'm his next victim.



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