18.. You Make Me Feel Alive..

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Hello everyone.. ❤️💜

Thank you so much for all the love and support.. 

Here is the next chapter.. 

Desire 18..
You Make Me Feel Alive


is in absent..


It was almost early in the morning.. 6 am..

Payal was wandering here and there with a queasy face.. And Tanu was sitting over the sofa sadly... While Bulbul was consoling her..

Di.. It's morning.. Arjun said that jiju will bring  di to home.. but still he didn't come.. I'm getting much worried..  Jiju and di will be fine nah..?!.. Payal asks looking at Tanu.. who gave an empty look..
Just then Bulbul's mobile rang..

Ma..!.. She said and looks at Tanu and Payal,  who gave a restive sight at each other..

Di.. I didn't say anything to Ma till now.. what to do..!?.. Oh no.. is she back to home..?!.. Bulbul said in an uneasy tone..

Bulbul.. whatever it is.. to know  lets don't hide anything from her.. What if she has got to know about everything.. you attend the call.. Or else she will be tensed... Payal said.  And Bulbul attends the call..

****** In mobile..

Bulbul.. Where is Pragya..?!.. how's many times I'm trying
to call her.. but her mobile
is switched off.. And Payal too didn't attend my call.. you are there only nah.. !?.. where are they.. is everything fine there..!?.. Sarla asked restlessly..

And the three gave a relief sigh..  after hearing to her words.. they came to a conclusion that she is unaware of everything..

Ma.. we all are fine.. Actually Pragya Di's mobile is at home only.. and mine is in room.. we are busy with some work here.. That's why we couldn't speak with you.. sorry Ma.. Said Payal,  since the mobile was in speaker..

Thank God.. I was  getting tensed here.. because no one attended my call.. anyway.. where is Pragya..!?.. Don't know why.. I'm so worried for her.. give the phone to her nah.. Sarla sounded tensely..

Ma.. di has gone out.. Bulbul replied,  while Tanu and Bulbul glared at her.. 

What..!? Gone out at this time..
But where..?!.. Asks Sarla..

Bulbul bit her tongue and Payal said.. Haan ma.. Pragya di has gone out with jiju.. I mean..
yesterday evening itself they went.. they had gone for jiju's one of the friend's wedding..

Oh I see..!.. Fine.. I just now got into the train.. Will reach by evening.. Okay.. and as soon as Pragya comes.. ask her to call me.. Sarla says and ends the call ***

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