Part 29

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He went to the liquor cabin and poured himself the bitterest whiskey and drowned it without water in a single gulp. It really burned his throat. But it was nothing compared to the look indifference in those brown almond eyes.....

Before going out he poured for himself two more pegs. As soon as he got out he saw Kavya who was fuming like a angry bull.....

Laksh: What happened Kavya?

Kavya: That tart ....Her anger was not directed towards him, but someone else...

Laksh: Come on what happened? I never heard you swear before....(Surprised what made her so angry)

Kavya: That bitch of your neighbor ...... How dare she?

Laksh: Now what did Swara do? (Irritated)

Kavya: Well she knew this evening was mine.Our engagement was to be announced today. How could she try and steal it from me? Mark my words she will always be some second women and never be a wife. All she wants is to get laid....

Laksh's anger was skyrocketing with her each word. So he just cut her off in anger and said

 Laksh: Enough!!!! Listen Kavya, Swara is the part of our family and no one mark my words no one not even you can insult her this way. I would never tolerate it....

Saying this Laksh went outside leaving a very shocked Kavya. He there were thousands of guest but his eyes seeked only her. Swara was standing with Parineeta when she saw Laksh coming towards them. So she just escaped from there on pretext of getting juice for Parineeta. Laksh was not much fast as he had to meet many guest before reaching her.....

As she was coming with juice she was caught by Ginny aunty, the official match maker of Indore and there was no escape. She was pushed in front of a eager mother and son....

Ginny aunty: There you are...

Swara: Hello 

Ginny aunty....

Ginny aunty: Come Swara this is Mrs. Agrawal and her son Tushar.

Swara:Hello aunty... (Forcing a fake smile)

Mrs.Agrawal: She is more beautiful in person isn't it Tushar.

Tushar:Yes she is looking out of the world...(noteven blinking his eyes)

Swara:You mean I look like an alien....

Ginny aunty: Come on Mrs. Agrawal, lets the youngsters talk we will go and meet Sharmishta her mom..... (Saying this they left)

Tushar: So what do you do?

Swara: As in....

Tushar: As in what do in life?

Laksh: Well she maims and kills....

Laksh: Laksh Maheshwari! (Forwarding his hand and coming in between Swara and Tushar)

Though Tushar was initially angry at the interruption but when he saw who was it he changed his tone and pasted a fake smile and said

Tushar: Hello Mr. Maheshwari it's a great party..!

Laksh: Ya I know. Swara can you please give this juice to bhabi please. ( Making her go away from there tactfully)

Swara: Ya I will do. It was nice meeting you Tushar.

Swara ran from there as soon as possible. While she was running she collided with Ragini and her husband Arvind with their son Yash.

Ragini: Ho ho...... Where are you running?

Arvind: Wow Swara you are looking great. I knew I had married the wrong friend.

Swara: I told you on your marriage day only but you won't listen. Now suffer....

Yash: Matti...... butifull....

Swara: Thanks Yash you look handsome yourself.

Ragini: Arvind can you please bring some drinks for us and also take your son with you

Arvind: Come on Ragu let me at least greet the Maheshwari's first. You can grill Swara later (Not falling for her trick)

Ragini: Please..... Just 5 minutes.

Then pulling Swara to a side.

Ragini: What are you up to Shona?

Sawra: What do you mean?

Ragini: Well why are you looking like makeup ki dhukan.....

Sawra: Well what's wrong in looking ones best...?

Ragini: Well who is your poor target tonight; I hope he isn't died yet with your killer looks.....

Sawra: Well today I have put myself officially in marriage mart. So why showcase your best assets to get the best offer....

Ragini: Well that's the only reason.... Nothing to do with the angry, young and a very jealous man coming this way....

Sawra: Is he coming here.

Ragini: Who??

Sawra: Ragu....

Ragini: Ya....

Swara: Bye then....(She just ran from there)

Ragini: Come here...... Damm.....

Laksh came to a standstill as he saw Swara again running away, but Ragini again like a good friend stopped him in the way...

Ragini: Hello sir....

Laksh: Hi Ragini...... When did you come (Getting irritated)

Ragini: Well sir great party.... (Trying to stop him)

Laksh: Well I hope you are enjoying it (Trying to show a fake smile)

Ragini: Ya I am.... (Not knowing what to say)

Laksh: Can I get you a drink...(desperate to get away)

Ragini: No my husband is getting one...

Laksh: Sorry than I have to meet other guest too bye....

He got a glass of scotch from the waiter and drank it in a gulp. He again searched for Swara. But by the time he found her again she was again busy with some other lady.... Just as he was getting near her.....

Kavya: Laksh I am sorry....

Laksh: Kavya.....

Kavya: Sorry for all that I said inside. I should not have said something like that I was just carried away....

Laksh: Are you really sorry Kavya?

Kavya: Yes Laksh

Laksh: I high regards for you and I don't want anything to upset our........ (He said kissing our hands)

He left the sentence incomplete as he did not want to upset her with the word which first came to his mind that even shocked him "FRIENDSHIP"

Kavya: Are you drunk Laksh?

Laksh: Do you mind?

Kavya: No.... If this is what you act after being drunk.....

Man 1: Hey love birds get a room.....( A man said interrupting them.)

He was of same age as Laksh, but Laksh failed to recognize him first. But he seemed too familiar. Just than Kavya left him and hugged the man.

Laksh: Do you know the man?

Kavya: That's my closest friend..

Laksh: Do I have a competioin?

Man: If we were more close, we had been brother and sister....

Kavya: You did not recognize him Laksh... He is Sanskar.... Sanskar Ajmera....

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