Part 22

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Episode 21

 In her rush she just tripped on the carpet and fell down along with a beautiful vase. Shit! She heard the library door opening. She got into action and opened the door and ran to her car with open hair and bare feet. She tried opening her car but the door seems to be struck. 

Swara: Just open up dammit don't screw me at this movement....( Kicking and pulling the door furiously)

Laksh: What are doing?

Swara:(No answer and continued her cursing and kicking)

Laksh: If I would have been in your position I would have tried keys for once (trying to keep a straight face and avoid laughing)

Swara really stopped at his words and frantically started to search for keys in her bag. After few seconds she just emptied the contents of her bag for her search. This brought out complete contents of her bag out which included an old receipt of god knows what, a broken clip of her cousin, Yash's toy car, a sanitary pad to her embarrassment, a few coins and a old steel ring. The ring quickly got Laksh's attention but before Swara could take it away he snatched it. But still were no sign of keys.

 Laksh: (giving her keys) Take this you left it inside....(Trying hard not to laugh)

Swara just snatched the keys and fumbled to open the door put the key in ignition...

Laksh: ( seeing her condition) You seemed disturbed I will drop you....

Swara: NOOOO....!!!

Laksh: I will send a driver to drop you.....

But Swara left without listening to him with screeching tires and hell bend speed.

Laksh: Damm this girl never listen to anybody....I hope she doesn't get into any accident.....

Laksh just ran to garage took his bike and started following her. Even in the heavy traffic she was on good speed. He followed Swara at a safe distance not to scare her further. Then he saw her stopping at a tea stall to have tea to calm herself after which she generously tipped the boy and resumed her journey at a much normal phase and never looked at a bike in the rear view mirror. But he was happy that at last she was home and he went back to his house calmly moving the ring within his finger.....

Laksh's POV

This girl is really confusing me, she changes her color more quickly than a Chameleon. I still don't believe she had the ring that I had brought to tease her on Ardesh bhai's engagement... but why would she keep it... it's not even silver one..... It's all so confusing.... And thank god I did not go far or else I would have fallen in my own eyes. But whenever she is near me I seem to lose all my control and I stop thinking with my brain..... God why does she still affects me so much.... 

Swara's POV

God its one of the worst days of my life.... I can't believe what I was going to do.... I can't even blame him fully for that. How can I face him now...! But it pierces my heart that he thinks so lowly about me.It's as if he never loved me. I know it's my fault that he doesn't love me, but his hate is becoming unbearable..... He also took away that ring which was so dear to me; it was his first gift to me.... When he is away from me what more can a ring hurt me..... 

On reaching home Swara went straight to her bedroom without talking to anybody and shut the door. Her parents were out of town attending a wedding so one questioned her. She checked her phone and found 59 miss calls from Ragini. She was tempted to type " I got almost laid" but just typed " I am ok just fine have a little headache so don't call me" She send the message switched off the phone and layed down crying. 

Next day Laksh reached office and he was really in a jolly mood. He greeted everyone on the way and was smiling. His PA Mrs. D'Costa thought its strange but then farmhouse might have done the trick.She went to give Laksh his daily schedule when Ragini entered his cabin without even a knock and started shouting

Ragini: What the hell have you done to Swara Laksh?(angry and shouting)

Laksh: Thank you Mrs. D'Costa, we will go over it later, and postpone all my calls for next 10 minutes.

Mrs. D'Costa went out as if she has seen a ghost closing the door behind, she could not understand what had happened to the calm and quit Mrs. Nair, that she is shouting on Laksh so badly..... 

Ragini: Laksh.....

Laksh: Sit down Mrs. Nair.

Ragini: What happened to Swara?

Laksh: Nothing that she did not wish for happened. (blushing)

Ragini: Don't give me that crap....

Laksh: You are forgetting you still work for me Ragini.

Ragini: I don't need this job that bad.

Laksh: Then why are you still here?

Ragini: Today for first time in last 4 years she had taken a sick leave. She is not answering my messages or talking my calls. What have YOU done to her???

Laksh thought Swara was in office and he planned to meet her by the end of the day. But now he too was tensed.

Ragini: Laksh!!!!!

Laksh: Sorry I am not answerable to you. And if you really wish to find out you must talk to her.... Personally!

Ragini: I don't need your advice for when to talk to her and what to do for her. 

Laksh: I except you back by 3 pm we have a presentation.

Ragini: I you are so concerned why don't you join me to her place.( sarcastically)

 She was about to get out of the door she came back squared her shoulders and again spoke to quit and calm Laksh 

 Ragini: Torturing her, making her work late hours daily and cancel the plan of babysitting my son Yash whom she love dearly..... was acceptable till some point but making Vorm her boss just to get revenge was super low even for....

Laksh: What's wrong with Mr. Vorm being her boss?

Catching the fact that Yash was Ragini's son and not Swara's boyfriend made his heart jump with joy, but he was a patient man and knew when to keep quit and let Ragini to continue....

Ragini: (After some time) He is a pervert,worm directly from the gutters, who got away from someone's attempted rape..... (She was speaking each word slowly so that Laksh absorbs each and every word)

Laksh: WHOSE???(Harshly) 

Ragini: Swara's.... at last year New Year party!

 Saying this Ragini stormed out of his office with a satisfied smile on her face she thought "Sorry Mrs. Vorm my heart is not as big as Swara's, I will not be melted by your tears. I always thought that slime ball of your husband got loose very easily, but after the last event he has to pay back". Laksh sat there numb listening to each word of Ragini said and at the same time his anger was building up.....


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