part 19

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Episode 19


Everything went on fine. Swara felt like she was living a dream. The new proposals brought by Ginny aunty was skillfully rejected by Sujata , and Swara had a breath of relief . Parineeta and Adrash's marriage was a was grand affair and why not it be Swara had her own love story going onside by side. Swara had had to fight Sujata tooth and nail to stop giving her new dress or jewelry, Laksh was no less with gifts. Well she was on cloud nine.But she could have never thought that her dream had a short life span and the fall from clouds was this painful......

 Soon she felt her heart burning at the thought, but alas it was just her fingers that burnt in the holy fire brought her back to present with a jolt. Everyone told her to put medicine on her burnt fingers but does burnt heart too had any bam. But alas if you had torn your heart and put that in the fire it's hard that you will find one..... 

The weak went by just fine in the office, if we forget the fact that the audit department was now working under Mr. Paresh Vorm. The things were getting worse day by day but what everyone wondered was that Swara was quit in spite of her history with Paresh. But all the things got messed up that day.

It was September and the work in audit department was at its peak. To add to burden Ragini has returned after a leave of 3 days in a very foul mood and being Monday everyone was working slowly. Ragini and Paresh had a meeting with Laksh but due to a urgent call Swara attended the meeting. When Swara went into conference room only Paresh was present there as Laksh's last meeting was taking a bit long to complete. As soon as Swara entered the conference room she saw it was empty all for Paresh who welcomed her with a sly smile.

Paresh: Hello Swara.

Swara: Hello Mr. Vroom 

Paresh: You can call me Paresh dear.

Swara: It's ok Mr. Vroom.

Paresh: What is it Swara you are friendly with everyone at the office then why keep me as an exception?

Swara: You know it very well Mr. Vroom. Just keep it formal, or else I will not be as forgiving as last time do you understand......!

Paresh: When you can so loving towards Rahul why not me. Give me a chance too.

Swara: Just shut your bloody mouth.

Paresh: Come on now.... Don't be too quick in judgment.You know I am your immediate boss. And it's common knowledge in office that Mr. Maheshwari doesn't like you much so if you wish to continue the job comfortably you have to listen and bend to me or else I will make your life hell.

Saying this he just pulled Swara to himself and she fell on his lap, and her hairs opened, but unfortunately it was the exact movement Laksh decided to enter the conference room. He was angry beyond measures. He could have killed someone right then and there. Paresh tried to speak but Laksh stopped him. He just shouted the meeting was over and went out from the room leaving behind his PA. Swara just got up and slapped Paresh hard

Swara: What did it seem like? 

Mrs. D'Costa: You were trying to get close to a married man.....

Paresh: It was really her fault...

Swara: (before he finished his sentence) Shut up... (Another slap)

Mrs. D'Costa was stunned beyond measures She could hear the sound of something breaking from Laksh's office and a angry shout. Swara just ran to washroom and cried her heart out. When she came out she found she found Ragini waiting for her. She told her everything and Ragini was beyond angry she was ready to kill Paresh for this stunt. Just then Mrs. D'Costa came called Swara

Mrs. D'Costa: Can I talk to you alone.

Swara: Ragini go I will come.

Mrs. D'Costa: Sir asked you to meet him at his Farmhouse.

Swara: Why there?

Mrs. D'Costa: I don't know he just told me to convey the message.

Swara: Fine I will meet him.

Mrs. D'Costa: But he said to meet him just now.

Swara: But I am at work.

Mrs. D'Costa: I will look into it.

Swara: Fine I am leaving then.Mrs. D'Costa: Don't you need the address.

Swara: Should I take you there.(irritated) 

Swara just left behind surprised Mrs. D'Costa and went to the farmhouse. She just called Ragini and told her that she is not feeling well so she is going to clear up her mind and just switched off the phone knowing well that convincing Ragini for anything at this time was impossible.

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