Chapter Fifteen: Please Wake Up

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-3 months later-

It's been three months since the car accident. Three months since I gained all my memories back, and found out the truth about my past. Three months and...Ben still hasn't woken up yet.

My wounds were healed all around my body about a week after I woke up, and now I barely even look like I've been in that accident. Of course, the doctors didn't let me out that easily, because my mind was still a little messed up. They had to check on me every morning and night for three weeks, before finally concluding that my mind was perfectly fine now, and I was good as new.

Unfortunately, I can't say the same about Ben. Ever since I was out of the hospital, I visited him everyday. I'd stay at his room for a few hours after school, until the closing times comes in, and while I am still with him, I tried talking to him. It's pointless and quite cliche, I know, but I just wanted to know that he was still there, because the doctors said that after ninety days, or three months of being stuck in a coma, the possibilities of him waking up is nearly impossible. And it has been three months. His heart still beats normally, and I would always remember when I listened to it every time we used to hug as kids, and as a teen couple as well. It makes me sad and really upset that he isn't waking up, and I'm also very scared that he might not wake up. It took me time to realize how I really felt for him.

I'm in love with him. I always had feelings for him since we were kids, and over time, it bloomed into love. Even if I had lost my memories before, I still loved him, because whether or not I knew him from my past, I'm truly in love with him, no matter what. (A/N: Oh shuck, how cliche of me to write all those bloody things. Blimey.)

Right now, I was sitting on a chair, next to his bed, where he lay, sleeping soundly, but not waking up.

"Ben..." I trailed off at first, feeling tears come to my eyes. I can't do this. I can't. Don't leave me, Ben.

"I know you probably don't hear me and people might think I'm crazy, but, I just really needed to talk to you. Ben, it's been three months, and you still haven't woken up yet. Ninety days, Ben, that's how many days the doctors said would make it nearly impossible for someone to wake up from a coma, and it's been three months already." Tears kept running down at my face now, but I still continued talking.

"Ben, your parents need you. Leia and Han...they're both so worried about you. They both miss you so much. They miss their only son at home. They miss their whiney, yet good son. Han misses arguing with you. He said you were very good at arguing and excuses that you could make a good lawyer, and personally, I think you would, but how would you become one if you don't wake up?"

I laughed a little at what I said, yet more tears came, and I started to sob, but I tried to stay strong for him.

"Your friends need you. Finn, Poe, Hux, Phasma...all of them. They miss that stupid playboy at school. They miss that jerk who has anger issues. They miss the good side of you."

He still hasn't woken up yet. I started sobbing uncontrollably, but I still had a few more last words. Please, Ben. Please.

"I need you, Ben. I need you to embrace me and make me feel like I'm home. I need you to help me out with my schoolwork, even if I'm the top of the class, but working with you makes it so much more fun. I miss the way you'd play around and tease me, sometimes ending up with an argument, but we managed. And why do you think so, Ben? Because I'm in love with you, that's why. Please don't leave, Ben, I need you. Please wake up."

A/N: Ughhh even if it's quite cliche, I really like how this chapter turned out. It ended up being better than I thought, though it's not the best but...I tried (Maze Runner reference hehe). Well anyways, that was filled with fluff now, wasn't it? And I may or may not have actually used a reference from Maze Runner in the story (please don't judge meh cause I'm a big fan of Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Maze Runner), like the word "shuck" which is Glader slang, and the part where Rey says "Please, Ben. Please." *cries* I can't believe I used that reference. Death Cure anyone? Newt? Okay, I'll stop...and don't tell me you missed the Harry Potter references too. Cause if you did, then...idk nothing will happen to you. It's just funny that you wouldn't realize it when I literally wrote "Harry Potter" on some parts. There's also one other reference that can't be missed. "Because if I made it easy for you to flirt with me, then you wouldn't flirt with me anymore!" The Choice, peeps. Nicholas Sparks. I literally watched the movie before I even read the books. Try it, The Choice is a great movie/book. And Benjamin Walker, the actor of Travis in The Choice, is the husband of Kaya Scodelario, who played Teresa from The Maze Runner, and they even have a baby boy! By the way, I already have an idea and temporary cover for a new Reylo book. It might be called "Perfectly Imperfect", but I'm not sure when I'll publish it, but stay tuned tho! I'll put the temporary cover of it below this A/N. Okay, I think I got carried away by my fandoms...thank you for reading! See you at the next few chapters left of this story!

thank you for reading! See you at the next few chapters left of this story!

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