Chapter Four: Mistakes and Apologies

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Rey's POV

WHAT HAVE I DONE?! I kissed Ben Solo, and he kissed me back, then he kissed me, and I kissed back! I'm such an idiot for doing that! Ugh! Stupid temper got me to kiss him! I was literally running to my house as fast as I could, with my face looking flushed, still remembering how I felt when we kissed. It felt so good. It was like...butterflies in my stomach.

"Rey!" I was so close to reaching my house, when I suddenly heard someone yelling my name. I turned around, then I saw the one who called my name. Ben...

"I...I gotta go." I said, and I tried to run as quickly as I could, but he caught up with me, the grabbed both of my shoulders, and turned my head to face him. Oh boy...

"I wanted to talk to you." He said, then he let both of my shoulders go.

"Go on, then." I gulped, already knowing what he wanted to talk about. The kiss.

"First of all, I'm not mad at you for kissing me, but I am sorry for kissing you. I know I shouldn't have already happened." He told me, and I looked down and sighed.

"Well, I'm not mad for kissing you either, but it can't happen again. I was just...caught up in the moment, I guess? I think we should both just pretend that it never happened." I looked back up, only to see his face with a hurt expression. Why did he look hurt?

"You're telling me that we should 'pretend' that our kiss never happened?! That me kissing you back, and you kissing me back as well, was nothing? That we were just 'caught up in the moment' when we kissed?! Didn't you feel anything when we kissed?" He asked me angrily, and I sighed once again.

"It was a mistake, Ben. I mean, just this morning I got slapped by one of your girlfriends, all because you told her that I was your fiancé. You got me in trouble, and yet you had the decency to say my name in disgust? Then, another one of your girlfriend tells me that I was only 'dating' you to get popularity, when we're not even close to dating! What makes you think that a little kiss can change our feelings that fast? You're too much to handle, and I'll probably end up with a broken heart. Even if we get married, do you think we'll be happy together? How do you think I would feel when I'm dating a goddamn playboy, who's probably going to be too busy kissing girls here and there every hour of the day, while I'm just being the girl that you're dating because you were only practically forced to be with me!" I answered him, feeling my eyes start to get watery. What's this boy doing to me?

He was speechless. He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it again, and he opened his mouth again, then shut it, and it went on and on for a few moments, before I had enough and ran straight to my house. As I got inside the house, I greeted my grandpa, then I ran to my bedroom and locked it, and I dropped all my things on the floor. Now that I think about it, I think I might have said too much to Ben. I overreacted, and I guess I should apologize tomorrow for saying all those things to him.

The next day...

As I was walking to go to school, I saw Ben in front of thermometer door of the school, alone and he looked like he was waiting for someone. He kept looking around the school, until his eyes met mine. We locked eyes for a few moments, before he broke his gaze off of mine, and walked towards me. When he was finally standing in front of me, I hugged him. I didn't know why, but I just thought that I should hug him. He seemed hesitant at first, but he hugged me back, and when we pulled away, I spoke first.

"Look, I'm sorry for everything I said yesterday. I was just so worked up, and I hope you could forgive me. Besides, we're going to work on a project together, so we have to learn to get along." He smiled at me, and I smiled back, but all of a sudden his smile turned into a smirk.

"Don't forget that we're getting married, too." He replied, and I hit his chest playfully. We both laughed for a bit, but then his expression suddenly turned serious.

"Did...did our kiss really mean nothing to you?" He asked, and I tried to think of an answer. Out of nowhere, my subconscious and I started to have a conversation.

Tell him the truth, Rey. The kiss did mean something to you.

How can you be so sure?

Duh! You were really enjoying it! Plus, you felt butterflies in your stomach when you kissed, right? do I know that I just had the urge to vomit, and those weren't actually butterflies in my stomach?

You were kissing him back and putting your arms around his neck!

Fine. It meant something to me.

Good. Now, answer him.

"It did." I said, barely audible for him to hear.

"What?" He asked me again, and I forced myself to say it louder.

"It did!" I said again, louder than before. He smiled and leaned in. His face was getting closer, and closer, and closer, and...

"Wait, what on earth is happening here?!" I heard someone yell, and I turned to look at who yelled at us. It was Poe, one of my best friends, and beside him was Finn, who was also my best friend.

"Uh...well, you know Ben Solo already. He's my partner for the English project, and I just needed to talk to him about our project." I pointed to Ben, and they both nodded.

"And would you care to explain why his face was so dangerously close to yours?" Finn crossed his arms, and I gulped nervously.

"We were...we were talking." I answered a but too quickly, and both Finn and Poe rolled their eyes.

"Tell us the truth, Reyhanne Louisa Kenobi!" Poe yelled, and Ben sighed and answered his question.

"I have an arranged marriage with her, so we're just trying to get along. Also, you cannot tell anyone else about it. Only Rey and I can be the one to spread the news of our future marriage."

"Rey?! You're okay with marrying him?!" Finn asked me, and I nodded my head slowly.

"Let it be, Finn. We're her best friends, we should respect the things that she does in her life. It's her own life, not ours." Poe smiled at me, and I gave him a smile back.

"Thanks, Poe." I said, and Finn smiled at me as well.

"I guess he's not too bad. Just don't break her heart, or else me and Poe will hunt you down." Finn warned Ben jokingly, and Ben laughed, before nodding his head.

"We'll see you later, Rey." Poe and Finn waved me goodbye, leaving me alone with Ben.

"Where were we?" He asked, once Finn and Poe were out of sight, and Ben stole a kiss from me, which I melted into as soon as our lips touched. I guess it's a bit too soon for us to be kissing this much already, but come on! Some people can change the way they feel about people in just a matter of time, so maybe that's what's happening to me and Ben. I hope that he's starting to feel the things I think that I feel for him.

A/N: Andddd another kiss for Reylo! My story doesn't have a slow burn but, heck I have a plot twist already. Hehehe, wonder what that plot twist will be...anyways thanks for reading! Vote if you like the story, or comment what you want to comment about the story! See you in the next chapter!

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