Chapter 2: This is not a crush.

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Ashton had managed to repress the memory of the entire thing until he flopped down on his bed the next day. He couldn't make up his mind on how he felt about the whole thing. He didn't fancy Luke. They were best friends. But Ashton could admit that kissing him was nice. Very nice. And if Luke were to do it again, he would happily oblige. But he didn't fancy Luke.

The boys were all in the living room, and Ashton had gone to take a nap, but the thoughts running through is head at 100 miles per hour were the cause of some slight insomnia.

'What does he mean "straight"?

'He made out with me. For a lot of minutes. We used tongue.'

'He moaned. He fucking moaned my name.'

'How can he have decided that he's straight.'

Ashton thought back to what had happened the day before.

Luke had said it was "alright." What did alright mean? Was Ashton not good enough for him, had he really turned a guy straight?

He supposed there was a chance that Luke was just confused.

Ashton had assumed he was straight up until yesterday, and he was pretty sure now, that he never wanted to go back to girls again.

He sighed and hopped up, deciding that there was no point in dwelling on it. Besides, he hadn't made actual eye contact with Luke since he had accidentally gotten himself off in the shower while thinking about him.

Or something along those lines.

He trudged into the living room, where the other three boys were all spread across both couches, playing fifa.

"Ash! There you are mate. Good sleep?" Michael called from across the room, pausing the game, causing Calum and Luke to groan.

Ashton winced. Ash. That was what Luke had called him the night before. He had always called him Ash, but now it was different.

"Ashton? You're lookin' a little red, there. You alright?" Calum piped up.

Ashton cleared his throat louder than intended.

"What? Yeah I'm fine, let's play Fifa."

The three stared at him oddly.

"But you hate Fifa." Michael broke the silence. Luke didn't say a word.

Ashton barked out a nervous laugh.

"Right, I don't wanna play Fifa. I'm gonna go get a drink, does anyone want anything?"

"I'll have a coke." Calum chimed in, earning an elbow in the ribs from Michael.

As Ashton scurried into the living room out of sight from the others, he rested his head in his hands on the counter.

'Idiot idiot idiot. They're going to know something's wrong. Just stop thinking about it. Stop thinking about the meaningless make out session you had with your best friend. Luke seems to have already.'

When he realised this, his stomach dropped. 'Stupid, just forget about it', he willed himself.


He silently cursed to himself as he swivelled around to meet the dirty blonde hair and the (now slightly worried looking) baby blue eyes he knew so well.

"Yes Luke? Did you want a drink?" He plastered a nonchalant smile onto his face.

"No, I was, uh, hoping to talk to you." Luke scratched the back of his neck, sheepishly. Ashton wondered if there were any bruises from where he had gripped the boy there. From the way Luke winced after, he guessed there was. Brilliant.

"Oh yeah? What about?" He tried to make himself seem busy by opening the fridge to retrieve the two cans of coke.

"Are you okay?"

Ashton closed the fridge door, playing dumb.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" He turned to the taller boy, eyebrows raised.

"If this is about yesterday then-"

"Yesterday?" Ashton broke in, a smirk playing on his lips. Along with being clumsy and embarrassing himself 24/7, teasing was one of his specialties. It didn't happen often, but he was good. "Oh- you mean when you kissed me?"

"Be quiet!" The younger boy pleaded, panic in his eyes.

"If the others hear I'll never hear the end of it. And you can't blame me for being curious. It didn't mean anything anyway. I definitely like girls."

Ashton let his face go completely blank. So that's what he meant by "straight."

"I know, I'm just kidding. Run along now, Lukey."

"Thanks mate. I'll have a coke too." Luke beamed as he left the kitchen.

Ashton was fine. He was fine about this. He respected Luke and his choices.

"I do not fancy Luke." He muttered to himself as he headed to join the others.

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