Chapter 1: Truly fucked.

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If you were to ask any other punk-as-heck band member what they were doing on a sunday evening, watching Mamma Mia! in their pyjamas would not be an answer.

Maybe Ashton wasn't so punk after all then.

"Man I can't believe Harry's gay." Luke cried from the other side of the couch.

"What?" Ashton snapped out of his train of thought. "You know he is. He and Louis just-"

"No not our Harry, Harry Bright. In the movie." Luke scowled. "Are you even watching?"

"No not really. I've seen this four times."

Ashton wondered why it was so rainy in London. They were pretty close to Spain, and yet you could still drown a duck in the weather. Also, He wanted to try one of the pies with the meat in them. Calum and Michael had gone out to town this morning, and told him they were getting them. Ashton had been too drowsy to request one too, which he cursed himself for now because-

"Ash have you ever wondered what it's like to kiss a boy?"

That snapped him out of it for good.

"What...why? Do you want to?" Ashton answered cautiously.

Luke was the youngest, only seventeen. Of course he was bound to start asking questions like this. Ashton really should have seen this coming.

Luke shrugged. "I don't know. I mean, how am I supposed to know if I like guys if I don't experiment, you know?"

Ashton nodded and gulped. "Well, if you want-"

"Ash will you kiss me?" Luke cut him off, not even waiting for Ashton to finish. Ashton wasn't sure he could, even if he wanted to.

"Em well-I mean yeah if you.. you're okay with that I will." He mumbled out.

He wasn't nervous, just taken by surprise.

And also a little nervous. Luke's entire sexuality now rested in his hands.

Ashton really should have said no, and offered to find someone else to do it, like a good friend, but instead, he kneeled up, closer to Luke on the couch, cupped his cheeks with both hands, and pressed his lips to Luke's without a seconds more hesitation.

He felt himself physically melt, starting with his lips. Luke's arms trailed to his back, tracing circles on his spine, and Ashton wanted to squeal like a little girl at a One Direction concert.

Their lips moved together, frequently breaking apart just so the two could breathe hot breaths into each others open mouths. Ashton didn't know when he had moved his hands up to Luke's hair, but he found them there, grasping at the blonde locks. He let his tongue swipe across Luke's lips, the younger boy almost immediately opening his mouth wider to give Ashton access, letting out a small moan in the process. Luke was being so needy and desperate and it was going straight to Ashton's lower half.

"Mm Ash-" Luke groaned quietly, cut off by Ashton's lips on his again. He let out an embarrassing whimper, because Luke said his name in such a filthy way and Ashton felt like he was going to pass out.

'No no no be cool don't get over excited', his insides were screaming, his outsides not listening.

He felt Luke's hand edging it's way down to his boxer line, playing with his waist band and Ashton jerked, accidentally tugging on Luke's hair too hard.

They broke apart almost immediately.

"Ow Ashton what the fuck." Luke's face was bright red and his hair was worse than when he had woken up this morning.

"Sorry, I lost control a bit." Ashton felt betrayed by his body when he realised that his voice sounded hoarse and unsteady.

"It's okay I guess." Luke scratched the back of his neck, which was already raw from Ashton's grasping hands.

The movie was over now, and they sat in silence for several seconds.

"So.." Ashton began, "What did you think?"

He willed Luke to give a positive response, because he was desperately hard in his blue pyjama pants and the suspense was literally killing him.

"It was... alright." Luke finally decided. "I think I'm straight though."

Ashton felt his heart sink, but mustered a smile and patted his best friend on the back.

"Good for you, pal. It's better to work these things out sooner rather than later."

"Thanks mate." Luke gave a sincere smile, lips still red and swollen.

"Seriously, I bet Cal or Mikey wouldn't have made out with me just so I could figure things out."

"No problem. That's what friends are for." Ashton said weakly, getting up from the couch, careful not to give away that he was hard. "I'm gonna go take a shower."

When he reached the bathroom, he immediately locked the door and stripped.

He turned on the water, which thankfully, was loud enough to mask the moans that he made as he finally began to jerk off under the hot spray.

After several minutes of keening and whining Luke's name under his breath, he came with a shudder and louder groan than intended.

And that, was the moment that Ashton Irwin knew that he was well and truly fucked.

This is the road to ruin. ❀Lashton❀Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora