Chapter 12

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Rushing to my clubroom, guilt flooded into me because I was late. My teacher had held me back to talk about my grades and I couldn't tell her I had to go. That left me running to the clubroom, dodging people in the busy hallways.

Reaching the room, I slowed to a walk and caught my breath. I then stepped in and looked to the desks, and froze when I saw someone I hadn't expected to be there. He was staring at me, his blue eyes amused, and I stared back. Gaping at him, I was left speechless.

"You're late," Josh said. "You're the president of this club, aren't you?"

"What are you doing here?" I asked, snapping out of my daze.

"I... just wanted to see what goes on in this club." Josh shrugged nonchalantly. "I was curious."

I stared at Josh for a second more, wondering what his intentions were. Never in a million years did I expect to see Josh in my clubroom. Even though my mission was to recruit Josh into my club, it was unbelievable to see him there.

"Sarah," Aria said, snapping me out my thoughts.

Shaking my head, I realized I had to stop zoning out. I was already late and now I was staring at Josh, forgetting about the four other members in my club.

"Sorry I'm late," I said. "How's recruiting?"

"Horrible," Emily said, groaning. "No one's interested. They don't understand our club."

"My friends think this club is only for girls," Will added. "They won't join because of that."

I found myself deflating at their words. A month had passed by and no one new had joined our club. Time was ticking and I knew I would be graduating soon, which left me worrying. I needed to get my message out before it was too late.

"Your club is new," Josh said, surprising me. "It's hard to recruit members when a club is brand new. Right now I don't think telling people about your club is the way to go. You need to show them what your club consists of and persuade them to join through that."

I stared at Josh, unable to believe he had spoken. I couldn't believe he gave advice of all things, too. A part of me felt like I was dreaming.

"He's right," Aria said, glancing at Josh. "People aren't going to be interested if we keep pestering them. We have to show them our club is fun and cool by hosting an event."

"You're right," I said, staring at Josh. "We should create an event, but... what should it be?"

"How about a welcome party for your club?" Josh offered. "Our classmates love parties and it's a way for you guys to introduce yourselves and get known."

"That sounds perfect!" Emily exclaimed, grinning. "I love parties."

A small smile reached my lips at the thought of having a party. It would be fun and it would persuade people to at least listen to what we had to say. Staring at Josh, my smile grew wider, thankful he was pitching good ideas.

"With these good ideas, I'm guessing you're a member now," I said, smiling widely.

"No, you haven't won me over yet," Josh said, narrowing his eyes.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, ignoring him. Josh was stubborn and I knew it wasn't going to be easy to get him to join, but seeing him in my club was progress. It was more progress than I would have ever expected, which left me feeling happy. My heart felt light and I glanced at Josh, who's eyes were on me.

We all began to talk about what we would do for the party. Games were planned, snacks were thought of, and we all decided to buy t-shirts to promote our club actively. As we talked, Josh had grown quiet. He didn't share any more ideas and I didn't mind that. Him being there was enough and noticing he was listening, I felt like I had won something. I felt accomplished, which left me smiling the entire time.

After planning everything, I set the date and then told everyone they could leave. Emily, Will, and Amy left, but to my surprise Josh stayed. He got up from his seat and walked over to me, his face expressionless. I stared at him, unsure of what to say. I wanted to say something about him being a part of my meeting, but I wasn't sure what.

"Your club isn't so bad," Josh said. "It's... better than I expected."

At those words, I had to pinch myself because I had to be dreaming. When I winced however, I knew I wasn't and watched as Josh frowned.

"Why did you pinch yourself?" Josh asked.

"I thought I was dreaming," I said. "I never thought you'd say something nice about my club."

Josh shook his head, seeming to wonder what was wrong with me. Despite his reaction, I found myself grinning. For some reason I felt so happy and it left my cheeks hurting from my smile.

"Well, I have to go," Josh said. "I'll see you later."

Josh turned to leave, but I reached out and touched his upper arm. He froze at that, turning slowly to look at me and I blushed. I didn't know why I touched him to catch his attention, which left me yanking my hand away.

"You mean you'll see me at our welcome party, right?" I said, my eyes holding his blue eyes.

"Maybe," Josh said.

I gave Josh a look and to my surprise, he began to smile. He rarely smiled and every time he did, something in my softened. Something in me felt warm and I stared at him, unable to avert my eyes from the sight.

"Fine, I'll come," Josh said. "See you later, Sarah."

"Bye," I said, watching as Josh turned around and walked off.

My eyes followed him until he was out of sight. Looking away, I then jumped when I realized Aria was in the room. My face grew warm when I noticed she was staring at me, a knowing look on her face.

"What?" I asked.

"You know what," Aria said.

My face grew warm at her words and I stared at her, not knowing what to say. I knew what she was talking about, but it wasn't what she thought.

"It's not like that," I said.

"Oh Sarah," Aria said, shaking her head. "Your cheeks say otherwise."

My hands shot up and I touched my cheeks, feeling them burn. I blushed harder at that and cursed myself, and Aria laughed. She was still staring at me, wearing a knowing look, and I sighed. I wasn't sure what was going on, but it wasn't something I would focus on. I couldn't afford to when my club was my priority.

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