Harry Sick on Stage💜

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Today was the first night of Harry's European Tour and he is quite nervous to say the least. Although, he has performed at The O2 multiple times already he still can't stop the nervousness eating him away.

What didn't help is the fact that he felt like shit all morning. He woke up with a splitting headache and it hasn't gone away since.

Harry and Louis decided it was best to leave Zayn and Niall with Anne and Gemma because the crowd would be a bit too overwhelming for them. Niall can deal with the cameras, but he was never a big fan of the screaming girls. Zayn on the other hand doesn't mind the ladies' attention, but it can get a bit claustrophobic with all the cameras at his dad's concerts.

"Soundcheck in five, Harry" they heard the voice of his tour manager call out. Harry sighed as he cuddled up closer to Louis on the sofa in his dressing room. Louis chuckled at his behavior and ran his fingers through Harry's lush curls. "You better get going Haz. The sooner you go, the more time you'll have to go out on stage."

"Come with me?" He asked, giving his best puppy dog eyes

"That only works for Niall. Now get your bum off me and let's go." Both boys got up and walked to the stage. The arena looked so much bigger when it's empty.

Soundcheck did not go well...for Harry at least. The whole time, he felt dizzy. He could barely hit his high notes without his head screaming at him to stop singing. But he didn't. He kept singing because the moment Louis finds out he's not well, he'd create a big deal of it, and Harry can not risk that tonight. Not with hundreds of fans camping outside of the arena.

When soundcheck was finally over, Harry walked over to the VIP section where Louis would be seated later tonight and sat down beside his husband. He felt completely out of it. His head hurt and his throat scratched with every swallow. "Harry! Wardrobe is ready for you!"

Harry groaned in annoyance, just wanting to rest a little, but no, he has to spend at least an hour in wardrobe and still end up wearing a plain button up shirt and jeans. "It's okay, love. Just go." Louis kissed his lips before Harry left. He knows that Harry is probably tired and that he always gets a bit stressed when tour comes up, but the luck on Harry's face and the energy radiating off of him was worth it in the end.

Harry eventually dragged himself backstage to the wardrobe department. Tonight is gonna be a pretty long one he thought to himself, as he sat in a chair, looking through the options they gave him. He'd honestly prefer to be cuddled up to Louis in bed right now, but he doesn't have the option.

30 Minutes to Showtime

"Where is He?"

"Has anyone seen Harry?"

"Where could he be? He has to be onstage in less than thirty minutes!"

The entire crew was searching for Harry was he emptied the the contents of is stomach in the toilet. After he left soundcheck, he felt the sudden urge to throw up so he cautiously found the farthest bathroom where no one would search for him.

He has been in there for about twenty minutes now and he could already hear people shouting his name backstage and the screaming from his fans in the arena. He checked his phone and twenty miss calls from Louis and seven messages.

When he was done, he looked at himself one more time in the mirror before he decided he was decent enough to go back out there. He did look a bit pale and his eyes were red from the tears threatening to fall. Fuck. He felt like such a baby. The headache was now reduced to a slight throbbing but the nausea an dizziness still remained.

"Harry! Guys I found him!" He was then dragged to the where he'd enter the stage. They gave him is mic and ran though the set list one more time. Harry never disappoints his fans and was determined to give them a great show tonight, as always.

He used the chanting of his name to pump some adrenaline in his body and went out. He can stay out there for a hour and a half right? He instantly looked towards the VIP section and spotted Louis's expression change from worried to relived.

The first song he sang was one called Clouds, a crowd favorite. For almost a split second, he forgot about his throbbing headache and achy tummy, until he had to hit that long a high note. He had to cut it short because of the sudden urge to gag. The crowd didn't notice, but Louis did.

A frown etched on his face as he observed Harry more and more. Something about him was off tonight. Usually, he'd be one big burst of energy, but instead, he's walking slower and letting his fans sing most of the song.

Louis knew Harry better than anyone in the world and he knows Harry is ill. That's the only reason why he disappeared for half an hour right before he goes on stage and his lack of energy out here and prepared himself to run backstage when Harry decided enough is enough.

They were five songs in when Harry genuinely couldn't handle it anymore.His throat felt sore and he had to get to a bathroom. He stopped the song mid way before running backstage to puke and Louis immediately sprung into action to be there with his ill husband.

By the time he got there, there was already a doctor and a bunch of staff swarming around Harry. "Hey, let me through." He yelled, trying to get to Harry as soon as possible.

"Could everyone please step back. He needs some fresh air!" Louis yelled as he saw Harry looking as if he was about to pass out. He crouched down beside him and his heart ached at Harry's pained expression. "Lou..."

"Shh. It's fine Harry." Louis tried to sooth, "No Louis. It's not fine. There are twenty thousand people out there and I couldn't even suck it up and finish the show." Harry said barely above a whisper, not even trusting his own voice.

"Harry. That's nonsense. Your health comes first. If they are true fans they'd understand that. We can always do another concert when you're feeling better."

"Louis' phone vibrated and he checked the caller ID to see Anne's name on the screen. He answered the call. "Hey Anne." Louis sighed. "Yeah. He's not feeling too well." It annoyed Harry that he couldn't hear the other side of the conversation but right now, he was focusing on not trying to throw up.

"...Sure. No problem." Louis put the phone at Harry's ear and watched a smile spread across his face, dimples and all.

"Hey bubba." Louis guessed he must be talking to Niall. "Don't worry, love. I'll be just fine. Let me talk to your brother." The conversation went on for a few more minutes until Harry said his last goodbye.

"Fuck, I love our kids." Harry leaned in to kiss Louis but was greeted by a finger instead. "Nuh uh. I'd rather...not."

"Oh shut up." Harry smiled but froze when he felt as if he was getting sick. Louis instantly grabbed a bucket they set aside for him and grimaced as Harry threw up.

"C'mon. Let's get you out of here." Louis helped Harry up and walked him to the dressing room where he relaxed until the car was ready to take them home.

When Harry was feeling much better, they had a concert rescheduled for the disappointed fans and next time, he'll just say he's sick to avoid those embarrassing headlines of him running off stage.

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