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ONE MONTH TURNED into two, two turned into three, three turned into half a year. with getting a huge, positive response to the website in such a short period of time, it meant that the team had to expand-- and fast. in the space of a month they had hired a creative manager, sebastian ivy, writers and models. natalia was technically the owner of the website, but at this very moment in time, she could not physically run it all by herself. sebastian ivy was a friend of michelles who had delt with being a manger/agent for people n the creative arts industry. he was an amazing addition to the team and so were the other people that were hired. peneople was a college of arts graduate getting a degree in fashion, illustration. reece was dropped out of college when he was seventeen and started up a blog, he was who natalia hired to be the writer and rosa was a twenty one year old woman who had just gotten her english degree. she was a huge lover in photography and fashion.

natalia spent her days and most nights coming up with good ideas and peojects for the website and ways to expand it, in the near future. she had many sleepless nights where she would be on skype to her sister in new york or quick five to ten minute phone calls with timmy whilst it was her night time and his day time or vice versa. as the months went on however, she found herself disconnected to timothee, especially. at first they would try and call at least once a day, then it would turn into texting every day as it was more convenient, to not texting each other at all. though she didnt notice the damaged she had caused with how busy she was until one day she recieved a voice mail.

"uh hey, hey natal-- tally. its like two am here and i can't really sleep, i havent been sleeping well ever since you went to england. .... i really wish you had picked up the phone, i could really do with hearing your voice right about now. [sighs] i sound so selfish-- i know you're really busy and i'm so incredibly happy and proud of you, you're doing so well its just-- my heart feels only half full, it feels like theres a piece of it missing and its kinda killing me. i'm trying to find a way of coming down and visiting you... i'm trying its just so hard, yanno? i just, i just wish i was with you right now. i love you tally my angel. keep up the good work."

she stopped what she was doing and listened to it over and over again. she didn't like the way he sounded. he sounded broken and exhuasted and she hated that. so much. she had been so wrapped up in her own life that she managed to break the love of her life without even realising it. work was a great distaction, but it had looked like she was move involved with her work rather than both her work and loved ones. she needed to find the healthy balance of prioritising both her work and outside of work relationships. maybe it just wasn't the time to have both, maybe one was enough.

the good side | t.chalamet ; book 2Where stories live. Discover now