Original Edition: 15. The Incident

Start from the beginning

It's almost midnight. I'm not worry though. The crime level is low in this area and my house isn't that far.

My mother has always told me: Laziness brings nothing good. I never imagined I would face a station where that advice would make sense.

Because thanks to laziness, I make a very bad decision.

To get a shortcut.

To get to my neighborhood faster, I decide to cross under a bridge to save some time. Underneath the bridge is dark and lonely but I've crossed it before. My knowledge of crime in this area doesn't count on people who resort to that dark area to do Gods knows what.

A little too late, my feet freeze when I notice three tall men under the bridge, the distance between us is short, the darkness served them as a camouflage, I didn't see them until I was almost right in front of them.

"Do you want something, pretty girl?" One of them speaks, his voice coarse.

My heart beats desperately in my chest, my hands sweating, "No, I don't... I..."

"You got lost?"

"I was on the wrong road." I reply, one of them laughs.

"If you want to pass. You have to give us something."

I shake my head, "No, I'm going a different way." I step back and none of them move. Will they let me go? Please, let me go.

I'm about to turn around and go when my phone rings breaking the silence.


Slow and shaking, I pull it out of my pocket and put it in silence to shove it back inside but it's already late.

"Oh, that phone looks very fancy, don't you think?"

"Yes, I think it'd be a good birthday present for my daughter."

I try to run but one of them takes my arm by pulling me into the darkness under the bridge. I scream as loud as I can but he covers my mouth, and pulls me by my hair, keeping me still, "Shh! Calm down, beautiful. No harm will come to you, just give us the phone."

Tears come from my eyes, the man smells of alcohol and a thousands illegal things, "The phone now." The other one demands in front of me but I can't move, fear has paralyzed me. I want to move my hand and get my phone, but I can't.

The third one emerge from the shadows, he has a cigarette in the middle of his teeth and a scar on his face, "She has it in her pocket. Hold her."

No, don't touch me!

I scream but it only becomes a murmur trapped in the hands of the man holding me. The one with the scar comes up to me and pushes his hand in my pocket, licking his lips.

I want to throw up.

Please, someone help me.

He takes out my phone and looks at it. "Good. It looks like new, it'll be a good gift for your daughter." He hands it over to the other man, his sick eyes never leaving my face. "You're very cute, don't cry."

"Should we let her go? We already have the telephone." The one holding me asks.

The one who is now playing with my phone adds, "Yes, we should."

But the one with the scar looks at me and his eyes going down to my body.

No, please no.

The one who holds me releases me but scarred one grabs me and pulls me towards him my back against his front, covering my mouth again. I can feel my heart in my throat, galloping like crazy. I can't breathe, I cann't move.

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