Chapter 20 -- Not Alone

Depuis le début

The bench where Jane had been lying was empty. Michael looked around the room. They both saw the movement beneath the bench at the same time. Michael tried to move passed the man but he was quicker and before Michael could do or say anything the man had his weapon on Jane. And she had hers on him. Michael was prepared to talk the man down, his mind already churning up words to say, his hands already reaching, his eyes gauging. But he didn't need to do anything. The man looked incredibly surprised. So did Jane. The man dropped his arm with the gun and held out his left hand to Jane. She stared at the hand, utterly confused.

Michael moved in, crouching in front of Jane. "I don't think they are here to kill us."

Jane nodded, and let Michael help her up. She leaned on him heavily. The younger man stepped back, saw Jane's injuries, then called to his companion in foreign words.

Out in the room, Michael eyed the machine as they passed. "Ah, Hydraulics, man thanks you again."

The old woman pushed her way into the room, as soon as she saw Michael a huge smile blossomed on her face. She made her way directly to him. She had the same brown eyes as the men and spoke foreign words interspersed with laughing while patting Michael on the arm. Then she looked at Jane. After one quick glance from head to toe, her smile was gone. She faced the two men, words in an angry tone poured from her lips. She moved to the scar faced man grabbing his arm enclosed in the weapon and pointing it to the floor.

The scar faced man smiled and bowed his head as she scolded him. And a scolding still sounds the same no matter what language you speak.

When she was finished, the old woman turned to Michael, and her smile was back. She pointed to Michael's eyes and then to her own brown ones. Then she stared at Michael with determination, mimicking the way they had stared at each other, then she laughed.

"You enjoyed the game we played." Michael said.

Michael's words brought about a great change in the old woman. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. She exhaled a soft sound and then her face relaxed as though she was remembering a pleasant memory, she stepped closer. She stared at Michael with a yearning that was obvious. Michael didn't know what to do, it was awkward. The old woman's gnarled hands were cupping his face. "Earth." she said.

Michael looked into her searching eyes. "Yes. Yes! We came from Earth." He pointed to the ceiling. "Earth."

The old woman dropped her hands and almost jumped in excitement. Michael looked at Jane whose head hung staring at the floor. "Can you help her?" The old woman followed his gaze.

"Ah, ah." The old woman moved to the corridor. "Keh, keh." She was gesturing to them. To Michael this gesture meant to go away, but it was very obvious that in their culture it meant for them to follow. The two soldiers waited next to the doorway and when the old woman passed them, she turned her head up, stood on toes, and kissed the older scar faced soldier on the mouth. Then she was out of the room. Michael stood taller under the gaze of the two soldiers as they walked passed. Jane surprised Michael by looking up at them. They looked stiff and awkward, almost embarrassed. The younger one stepped forward, looked down, and then seemed to reconsider his actions. He stepped back beside the older soldier. Once Michael and Jane were through the door, the older one spoke chiding words to the younger one followed by a gentle cuff to the side of the head.

In the hallway were many people. Even now, heavily armoured figures were coming down the corridor. Two lines had formed, one coming in and one going out. Many of the soldiers had their helmets off.

The scar faced soldier was in the hallway now. Jane looked back. When the women came out of the room, they kissed him just as the old woman had. Even the children did this. The younger man was also in the hallway. When Jane made eye contact with him, he smiled.

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