Chapter 25

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Warning!!! This chapter does contain sexual violence and rape! Please feel free to skip if you feel triggered in any way!!! In no way am I promoting nor do I condone sexual violence. This is merely a work of fiction and please seek help if this, or something similar is happening to you or someone you know!!!

            Mason slams the door closed, making me flinch. He turns to me and smirks. "This way kid." He leads me into the living room and my eyes widen. It's huge! I guess the look on the outside was nothing but a coverup. The living room is fully furnished. A large velvet couch sits in front of an elegant coffee table. It has glorious designs and it's only occupant is a simple small wine glass. There's a giant flatscreen tv that almost covers the entire wall. The room is painted a beautiful tan color.
I look at Mason, and he only smirks at me. "See something you like cutie?" I ignore him and continue to look around. Despite all of the furniture in the room, it's only occupants are me and Mason. "Where's Caleb?"
"Alive." I turn back around and continue looking at the living room. Suddenly, Mason grabs my arm. I glare at him but he only ignores me, and starts to pull me forward. "Where are we going?" I ask him. "Shut. Up." Mason's sharp and angry voice scares me, making me flinch. Just a second ago, he was teasing me. Now, he's suddenly angry.
We walk into a small dining room, and towards a door across the room. Mason takes opens the door, showing me the backyard of the house. It's large and is filled with fresh green grass. There's a small door cellar door that stands right next to the house. Mason drags me to the door and takes out a key, which he uses to unlock a padlock the size of my entire hand.
When he opens the door, there are steps, but they only reach so far before there is nothing but darkness. I look at Mason wearily. I don't know what awaits me down the steps, but I know it's not good. Mason glares at me impatiently and pushes me, almost making me fall down the cement stairs. "What are you waiting for? Go!"
Slowly, I make my way into the darkness. My heart pumps harder with each step, and soon, I'm sure that I'm about to pass out. I can't see anything and I have to shuffle my feet carefully to make sure I don't fall. Behind me, I hear Mason walk down in ease, as if he's done this a thousand times. Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if he did. When I'm sure that I'm at the bottom of the stairs, I wait for Mason. I can feel his breath as he stands right behind me. A hand pinches my butt, and I jump, making Mason chuckle.
He slips past me and walks forward. I follow closely behind him, afraid to be left alone in the pitch black darkness. Suddenly, Mason stops in his tracks, making me bump into him. I rub my throbbing nose as I hear Mason take out another set of keys. I can hear unlock something, and then I am blinded by light. Before my eyes can adjust to the sudden light, Mason pushes me forward. I stumble over my feet and walk forward.
Once my eyes adjust, a sick feeling rises into my stomach and I want to puke. Caleb lays on the cement floor, blood surrounding him. He is shirtless and even from here, I can see the after affects of lashes on his back. Skin hangs off some of the open wounds. I run forward, kneeling down next to Caleb. I call out his name, and he looks up at me wearily. His eyes are half-lidded and glazed over. He has a black eye and his jaw is swollen. I ignore the blood staining my hands and gently cup his face. It takes a second for him to realize that it's me, and once he does, his eyes widen.
He's about to say something but I gently shush him. "It's okay Caleb. I'm right here." He coughs, and blood runs down his chin, making me wince. "Y-You shouldn't have come." His voice is scratchy, like he's been screaming for hours. Seeing the condition he's in, I can reasonably guess that he has.
"I wasn't going to let you die," I tell him firmly. He coughs again and looks behind me. His neck is strained, so I can see the clear purple fingerprints that decorate the pale skin. I follow Caleb's gaze, and look behind me, only the culprit who did this. My dad stands next to Mason, smiling. I ran in here to fast, that I guess I forgot to even notice him. But seeing him now makes my blood boil. He's the one who did this to Caleb. My vision almost goes red as I stare at him.
Without thinking, I run towards him and throw a punch towards his face. To my surprise, and probably everyone's in the room, I actually hit him. He stumbles back and holds his jaw. Before he can say anything, I throw another punch, this time hitting him in his chest. Look over, and notice that Mason stares at me with his eyes wide. I kick my dad in the groin, and he doubles over in pain. I kick his chest, making him fall back. A rush of energy goes through me, and I jump on top of him, throwing punch after punch. I don't know how long I've been hitting him. He suddenly pushes me off of him, glaring at Mason. "Get him!"
Mason regains his composure and runs to me. I throw punches, but he dodges every one of them, and grabs my arms. I struggle in his grip, yelling for him to let me go. My dad stands up. His lip and nose are bleeding, and his eye is black. His hair is tousled, and he looks fairly shocked. It sends a rush of pride through me to know that I'm the one who did this. That pride is soon dissipated into nothing when he looks at me. His eyes are dark and predatory. He looks like a wild animal that is barely keeping its composure.
The familiar feeling of fear runs through me, almost making he tremble. Despite all of the anger radiating off of him, he smiles. Mason pulls me off the ground, making me stand up, and face my dad. He walks towards me, that same creepy smile plastered on his face the entire time.
"Welcome home Jace," he whispers into my ear. I try not to tremble as we stand there. I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid.
Mason lets go of my arms, and instead, he pulls my hair. I cry out in pain as he yanks my head back. I think I just got whiplash. "Sit," he orders like a dog trainer. I'm not a dog. I'm not going to give him the satisfaction of obeying his commands. "No," I tell him defiantly. I can't see his face, but I can feel the fury that fills the room. It covers the air and is thick enough to suffocate me.
My dad looks at Mason warningly. Mason doesn't seem to back down, because he doesn't let go of my hair, and orders for me to sit. When I don't, he pulls my hair, and my head snaps back so that I'm looking at him. His teeth are bared, and his eyes are wide and crazy-looking. He is like a wild animal. "Jace, please sit," my dad says. His voice is gentle and sweet. It's nothing like Mason's angry voice. I'm not fooled though. Under his sweet voice and calm composure, is a monster just waiting to be let out.
Still, with my dad here, I'm pretty sure that Mason will not hurt me. Mason is the brute of this relationship, but I can tell that he's somewhat afraid of my dad. I can't even imagine how my dad reacted when he found out that Mason left me to die. If he found out, that is.
Regardless, I let my knees hold me up as I kneel on the floor. Mason smirks, and takes something out of the back of his pocket. Before I can react, I feel a sharp pain in my neck. It stings, and a sudden coldness rushes through my veins. These fuckers drugged me again. My body starts to feel like lead, and I glare at my dad and Mason, who are now standing side by side. "What the fuck did you do to me this time?" I ask them angrily.
"It's a paralyzing agent," my dad says in that sickly sweet voice again. I would love nothing more than to punch his throat so that he can never talk again. I can't though, and he continues. "It's something that you would normally see at the dentist when they're pulling your teeth out. But, clearly we had to add an extra dosage if we wanted you to stay put." My glare intensifies, but the fucker only smiles at me.
Mason looks away from me, and towards Caleb, who lays on the ground motionless. "Caleb," I call out to him. His eyes cast up and he looks at me. Mason walks towards him. Caleb keeps his gaze on mine as Mason stalks towards him, and even from here, I can see his body begin to tremble. Mason was Caleb's past sexual abuser. Seeing him this close must terrify him. I try to move, but I can't, so I yell out at Mason.
"Mason! Leave him alone!" Mason looks back at me. His smirk is evil enough to probably even make the Devil shake on his throne. "Stop! Do whatever you want to me! Just leave Caleb alone!"
"But that's what your dad is for," he responds nonchalantly. The sentence shocks me, and makes my heart stop. I look up fearfully at my dad, who only smiles down at me. He sits on the floor, and picks me up, cradling me into his arms. He swiftly takes off my clothes, and I can't do anything to stop him. No matter how hard I try to force my body to move, it stays frozen in place, only moving when my dad makes it. I look away from him, and back at Caleb. "Look at me Caleb. Don't look at him." Caleb nods and we hold each other's gazes. I notice the tears running down his cheeks. I hate seeing Caleb cry like this. I want to stop it. But I can't. That's no surprise.
Mason turns Caleb so that he's fully on his stomach. I want to cry as Mason pulls the rest of Caleb's clothes down. "Please," I beg quietly. "Leave him alone." My only response is my dad groping my ass. With teary eyes, I watch Mason pull down his own pants and sit behind Caleb.
"Jace," Caleb's weak voice calls out. I look at him, and he smiles softly at me. How can he be smiling at a time like this? We're both about to raped and he's smiling. His smile is kind and reassuring. It only makes me want to cry harder. "Just keep your eyes on mine."
My dad's finger pushes inside of me and Mason thrusts fully into Caleb. We both scream, and tears run down my face. Caleb's scream is deafening. It echos in my ears, constantly reminding me that this is all happening because of me. Mason ruthlessly thrusts in and out of him. Blood pours out of both me and Caleb, staining the floor. My dad adds 2 more fingers and I cry out. What once felt like numbing coldness, now feels like scorching heat as my dad continues to shove his fingers inside of me. I look at Caleb, who only looks back at me. We cry and look into each other's eyes as we both suffer through the torment.


My dad lays me down gently on the concrete floor as Mason pulls out of Caleb. I look over at Caleb. He's awake, but he's barely conscious. He looks like he's struggling to even breathe.
Mason pulls his pants up and walks around Caleb. My dad walks towards him, and they stand for a few minutes in silence. After a while, my dad begins to speak. "Have you enjoyed yourself." Mason nods, chuckling. "Yup. Brings back old memories, doesn't it Caleb?" He looks back at Caleb, who doesn't meet his gaze.
Mason turns back towards my dad, but instead of looking at him, he looks at me. He licks his lips, almost hungrily. "Maybe I could do it with that cutie." I try to shrink back, but my body refuses to move. I'd rather die.
My dad chuckles. His chuckle is deep, and it holds no humor. I watch as his hand reaches for his back pocket, and he takes something out. I hear a click, and suddenly, Mason is gasping for breath. He covers his neck with his hand as blood pours out past his fingers. My dad swings his arm and I watch the glimmer of the knife as it slides smoothly across Mason's neck.
      Mason kneels on the ground, looking up at my dad in shock. My dad only stares back at him, smiling. "Sorry," he says chuckling. "But nobody is allowed to touch my little bug." Mason looks up at my dad with shock, betrayal, and strangely, a little bit of hurt. He falls to the ground with a thump. His body twitches for a while, and then lays completely still. My dad laughs loudly, throwing his head back, and wrapping his arms around his stomach. His laugh echoes through the entire room, and when he's done, he practically gasping for air. He turns around and looks at me, his eyes so wide, that I can almost see the blood vessels in them, and his smile is wide enough to split his face in half.
     As he smiles at me, I realize something. I thought that Mason was insane when the real crazy person is standing right in front of me. Mason was nothing more than a scapegoat. He could take the blame for my dad's crazy actions, even when he's dead. I look at Caleb, and I'm sure the same thought is running through both of our heads.
     We're completely fucked.

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