Chapter 17

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I have no idea how long it's been since Mason brought me here. It could have only been a few days. It could have been a few weeks. I don't know. I don't have a window to see when the sun rises and there's not even a clock in here. My dad will come in periodically to check on me, and Mason comes just to ridicule me. I don't care anymore. I just sit there and take the abuse.
I searched around the room for anything that could be of use to me, but there's nothing here. Looked in the drawers of the nightstand yesterday and found a small notebook. It doesn't say anything in it and I don't have any writing utensils. So I just rip out pieces of the paper and make small figures with them.
I tried to pull my ankle out of the chain. The only thing that resulted was my skin bleeding and a beating from my dad. I think that he might have broke my ribs because it's kinda hard to breathe and I can't even bend down without feeling pain. The thing that I hate the most here, is baths. My dad will come in with a bucket and washcloth. He'll careful and slowly run the washcloth over every area of my body. Most of the time baths wind up leaving me more dirty than clean.
I never really realized how helpless I really am in the situation until now. No one knows where I am. No one can come help me. I'm just helpless at the hands of 2 maniacs who want nothing more than to hurt me.


I rip another piece of paper out of the notebook. I fold the paper carefully, making sure that each fold is just right. I careful bend the ends and rip out a piece, making a perfect circle. Once I'm finished, I look at the paper airplane. I learned that cutting a small hole at the bottom of the plane will make it fly smoother.
I bend my wrist and pull my arm back, holding the plane carefully. I swing my arm and let go. The plane flies smoothly around the room and lands gracefully on the floor a couple feet away from the door. I'm about to pick it up when I suddenly hear yelling.
I quickly lay down, putting my ear against the floor. My dad and Mason argue loudly. "What the fuck do you mean you can't get it!" Mason yells so loudly that the floor shakes and my ears hurt.
      "I'll try again, but as of right now, my bank account is inaccessible," my dad says calmly. "I want my fucking money," Mason yells. "I've waiting almost 6 weeks for this shit and I've been more than patient! I killed 4 people and kidnapped a kid for you and now it's time for you to pay up! I want my fucking money!"
       I can't hear what happens next until my dad says, "I suggest that you remove your hand from me Mason. I will get you your money but I will not tolerate threats."
      I can hear Mason growl from here. A door slams and the house is silent again. Mason just have stormed out. I sit against the bed and listen for any more noises. Nothing.
       A few hours later, I begin to hear footsteps coming up the stairs. I continue to lay on the bed, waiting for my dad to come inside. The door opens and it's not my dad. Mason stands in the doorway, his nostrils flared and a dangerous look in his eyes. He stares at me and I unconsciously cower away from him.
      He moves forward and grabs my arm, yanking me up. I look up at him, terrified for my life. Mason looks at me with pure hate and I whimper. "If he wants to play games with me, then I'll play fucking games with him," he mutters angrily more to himself than me. He brings his face up and punches me. I can't do anything before he throws me to the floor.
      His foot connects with my stomach and I gasp. His foot continues to assault my stomach and I cry out. Then his foot connects to my face as he kicks me. I feel blood rush out of my nose and mouth. He kicks me again and I see black dots.
       Mason leans down towards my ankle and takes something out of his pocket. The chain around my ankle falls to the floor with a thump as I lay there. Mason picks me up and puts me over his shoulder. We walk down out of the room and down a flight of stairs. I have never seen the building that we're in and I can't see it now due to the black spots in my vision. His shoulder jabs into my stomach and I try not to cry out.
      We arrive outside and cold air assaults my, still, naked skin. Goosebumps rise on my body as Mason walks. I can't see where we're going and I can only stare at the ground as we walk. Mason comes to a stop and I hear a car door open. I'm put in the passenger seat of a small car. Mason crosses over and gets in the drivers side. He pulls a knife out and points it towards me.
     "Try anything stupid and I won't hesitate to bury this in your neck. Try to get out and I'll run you over myself. Got it?" I nod although it's painful. He starts the car and we begin to drive. I don't know where we're going, or where we're even coming from, but we drive for a long time. I don't recognize the place we're at. It feels like we're in the middle of nowhere. There's nothing but woods and there's only been like 5 cars driving.
       A while later, Mason makes the car come to a stop. I look around to see that we're near the edge of the woods. It dark out and there are so many trees that even the moon doesn't shine through them. Mason gets out and walks to the passenger side, opening the door. He pulls me out and throws me on the ground. Mason kicks and punches me a few times and I cry out from the intense pain.
      He punches me one last time before turning and waking towards the car. "W-Where are you g-going," I ask weakly. Mason turns back to me. "What does it look like? I'm leaving."
      My eyes go wide as I stare at him. "T-Take me with y-you."
      "No," Mason says sharply. "We'll see how Daddy Dearest reacts to find you missing. Lets see if he gives me my money then." Mason continues walking towards the car and gets in. I try to get up but I'm in too much pain. My ribs hurt and my head feels like Mason is still kicking it. "D-Don't leave me," I say weakly. "Please d-don't go."
      Mason doesn't listen to me and starts the car. "Good luck kid," he says and drives off. I look in hurt and shock as the car speeds down the road. It reminds me of how Bonnie was hit.
     I lie on the ground, naked and bloody. "H-Help me," I whisper. "Please." I stand up weakly and begin limping. My back and ribs hurt whenever I move, but I try to ignore it and keep walking. I look around for help but there's no one here.
     I'm walking for hours in the cold. My legs are bloody from walking on tree branches and other sharp objects. I cough violently and gasp for air. I manage to make it to an empty road before collapsing. As I lay there, I think about everything that I've done in my life. I've been on the verge of death before, but this is different. This time, I don't want to die. I want to live to see Mike and Caleb. I want to tell Mike how I really like him and how I want to see his stupid dopey grin everyday. I want to tell Caleb about how I really don't hate him.
     It's funny. I thought that I would never tell Caleb that I don't hate him because I thought that he was dead. Instead I'm the one that's dying. My body goes numb and I know that I'm going to die soon.
      I don't want to die, I think tearfully. I hear someone calling out to me but I'm already too far gone. My vision slowly goes back as I continue to scream in my head.
      I don't want to die.

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