Chapter 14

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     Mike grins at me. It's the same dopey grin that I've come to love. When he gives me that grin, it makes my heart flutter and s blushes rises into my cheeks. Mike chuckles and wraps his arm around me tighter.
     He kisses me again and gradually, the kiss becomes deeper. He leans me back so that I'm lying under him on the couch. Mike smiles and leans down, kissing me again. He licks my lips and I open my mouth, allowing him entrance. As Mike kisses me, a thought runs through my head. He's gentle. He isn't rough and demanding like my dad was. He's slow and gentle. This isn't my dad, I think to myself. I let myself feel lost as he kisses me, our tongues touching. When we both need air, he pulls back. Mike gives me that stupid dopey grin and I blush. Mike just smiles. "You're so cute, he whispers.
He leans in and is about to kiss me when there is a loud bang at the door. Mike groans and looks at the door. "I'll be right back," he whispers. He kisses my nose and stands up, walking towards the door.
When Mike opens the door, Caleb stands on the other side of the door and glares at him. "What are you doing here," Mike asks. Caleb ignores him and looks over Mike's shoulder at me. Caleb pushes his way into the house and Mike shuts the door. "Hey! I was talking to you!"
Caleb looks at me and I glare at him. "What do you want," I ask. "I want to take you home. I'm so sorry for what happened back at home. I-I don't what I was thinking." Mike glares at Caleb and walks over towards me.
"I want you out of my house. How did you even find me?"
"I have my ways," Caleb shrugs, but I know that he's lying. He probably knew that I would come here and asked someone where Mike lives. Mike shakes his head. "I don't care. Either way, I want you to leave now."
"I'm not leaving without Jace," Caleb argues. "Go away Caleb," I yell. "I'm staying here with Mike." Mike wraps his arm around my waist and he smirks, making Caleb glare at him.
Caleb looks at me and I hate what I see. His eyes are sad and begging. I look away because I know that if I look at him any longer then I'll forgive him. And I don't want to forgive him. He wanted me gone and now he has his chance, so why doesn't he just go away? I hate him. I hate him.
"Fuck you Caleb," I whisper. Caleb stares at me, tears in his eyes and Mike looks at me surprised. I look at the floor.
There's a loud bang at the floor and we all jump. Mike glares at Caleb. "What did you make your friends come here too?" Caleb shakes his head a looks at the door. He slowly walks towards it and opens it. Suddenly, Caleb's body is pushed back and falls onto the floor. He groans and stands up. Me and Mike look at the door expectantly.
      Mason walks through the door and smirks at me and Mike. He turns his attention to Caleb who gasps when he sees him. "Miss me?" Caleb's body begins to tremble and his eyes almost go out of their sockets. 
      "W-What do you want," Caleb asks, his voice shakey and high pitched. Mason notices this and grins evilly. "What's wrong Caleb? Cat got you tongue?"
       Mike glares at Mason. "Look man, I don't know who you are, but you need to leave." Mason looks at Caleb. His blue eyes twinkle with more than enough hints of mischief. "I'll be leaving soon. I'm just taking him with me." Mason points to me and I flinch back. No way am I going with them.
      "No fucking way in Hell!" Caleb yells. "You're not going anywhere with him." This outburst seems to give Caleb courage and he walks towards Mason. But when Mason takes a gun out, Caleb freezes in his tracks. "Don't do anything stupid Caleb," he says. "Just give me the boy, and I'll leave peacefully. There's no need for violence."
      While Mason talks to Caleb, Mike pushes me behind him. I look at him questionably and he looks back at me. "Look Jace, if anything happens, I want you to run," he whispers. I shake my head. No way am I leaving him and Caleb here to deal with this psycho. Mike frowns. "This is no time for arguments. I want you to run." I look at Mike for a second and his eyes plead for me to listen to him. I'm normally stubborn but if he's going to plead, then I'll have to do it. "Fine," I sigh. He smiles and pushes me behind him so that I'm no longer visible to Mason or Caleb.
      Suddenly Mike runs forward and punches Mason. This catches Mason off guard and he stumbles back. Before he can do anything else, Mike is kicking and punching him. He gets a good hit on his jaw and Mason groans. Then, Mason grabs Mike's neck and pins him to the wall. Caleb runs to Mike's aid but Mason points the gun at him. Mike ignores everything around him and looks at me. "Run," He mouths. I nod and quickly slide past Mason and Caleb.
      Mason notices me running and points the gun at me. I hear a gun shot go off but it doesn't hit me. I look back to see that Caleb has pushed Mason's arm so that the bullet doesn't hit me. Mason elbows Caleb in the jaw and hits Mike but the butt of the gun. Once Mike is down, he turns to Caleb and kicks his chin. I watch helplessly as Caleb is attacked by Mason. When Mason begins to strangle Caleb, I can't take it anymore. I run back and jump on top of Mason.
     My fingers scratch at the first thing they find and I scratch his eyes. Mason cries out and stands up, trying to get me off of him. He runs backwards into a wall and my back hits the wall. The air is knocked out of me and I gasp. I don't get off of him thought and I continue to scratch his eyeballs. My hope is to scratch them out but obviously it doesn't work. Instead I push my foot down on his crotch. My cries out and doubles over. Suddenly, he falls backwards do that he's on top of me. His sudden weight and the feeling of the floor hitting my head and back makes me let go of him.
     I try to sit up, but he presses his foot down onto my chest. My ribs feel like their going to collapse and he stomps down. Blood comes out of my mouth as I cough. I can barely breathe and my chest feels like it's exploding. Air refuses to come into my lungs and I cough again. Behind Mason, Caleb stands up. He runs towards Mason but Mason turns to him and points the gun at him. He pulls the trigger and I watch as Caleb falls to the ground.
      I lie in shock as I stare at Caleb's body. Tears run down my eyes and my heart stops beating for a second. Mason just looks at him in disgust. "He was never any good anyway." He turns back to me and smirks. "Sweet dreams Jace."
      He brings his fist down and I see black.


      My head is throbbing. I grab my head and feel a little bit of wetness. When I pull my hand back to look at it, I see that it is blood.
I look down and realize the I'm on a bed. It's big enough to fit 5 five people and is covered in velvet sheets. I get if the bed and stand up when I head a rattling sound. It's loud and I can't really tell where it's coming from. I notice the door open. When I run towards it, something pulls my leg and I fall flat on my face. I look down at my leg to see a chain firmly clasped around my ankle. I quickly lean down and try to get the chain off.
      When I can't get it off, I start to panic. My breathing is fast as I try in vain to get my ankle free. I hear footsteps coming and I look around for anywhere that I can hide. I scoot under the bed and watch as 2 figure come into the room. One comes toward the bed and immediately reaches under it.
      I squirm and try to get away from the hand but it grabs my arm and pulls me from under the bed. Mason smirks as he hold me and pushes me onto the floor. I groan and a pair of feet walk in front of me. I look up at the owner of the feet and fear shoots through my entire body sharply.
      "I missed you so much Jace," my dad whispers smiling.

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