Chapter 22

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      Me and Mike walk downstairs grinning like a couple of idiots. When we finally get downstairs, I look at the house for the first time. The walls are painted in a beautiful bright blue color. The couch that I used as a guide is a light tan color and the similarity of this house from out old house catches me off guard. Even the coffee table looks like the one from our old house.
     "Like what you see," Mike asks. I laugh at his poor joke and punch him gently on his arm. The door opens and Caleb walks in. I look at him. He's smiling like a madman until he notices me at the bottom of the stairs. My eyes meet his and it takes him a moment to realize that I'm actually looking him in the eye.
      "Jace, can you-can you see me?" He's on the brink of tears as he looks at me. I nod and Caleb runs towards me. He wraps me up in his arms and hugs me tightly. I hug Caleb back, almost squeezing him. "I can see you Caleb," I whisper. He nods and I can hear him sniffling. I gently hold his head up so that he's facing me. "Don't cry," I say wiping his tears. There's only a few but it hurts me to see Caleb cry. He chuckles and wipes away the rest of his tears.
My vision is terribly blurry. When Mike and Caleb asked me to read something, I couldn't see a word. I didn't get as upset that I couldn't read it because at least I can actually see the book.
        "Don't worry," Caleb says. "Once we go back to the Doctor, we'll see what we're dealing with. So don't get too upset." I nod and look at Mike. Through the blurriness, I can see that he's smirking at Caleb. Caleb only blushes and looks away.
        "Am I missing something," I ask raising an eyebrow. "Not at all," Caleb says quickly. I look at him suspiciously. He's hiding something.
       Mike just chuckles. "When you came in Caleb, you were looking awfully happy." Caleb blushes harder. "I-I don't know what you're talking about!"
        "Really," Mike taunts laughing. "You have a very distinct smell on you. What exactly were you out doing Caleb." I can feel Caleb's glare at Mike from over here. It's scary and warning. Mike doesn't seem disturbed by it and only laughs. "I just went out for a drink," Caleb mumbles.
        It all finally clicks and I look at Caleb pointedly. "You we're have a girlfriend don't you?" Caleb looks at me shocked and coughs. "W-Well I wouldn't say girlfriend. More like acquaintances." Mike laughs and Caleb glares at him. As they sit there bickering at each other, I smile softly. For the first time, I don't have to worry about my dad coming to get me. I don't have to fear for my physical and mental health. For the first time, I feel like I have a real family.


       A rush of wind blows into my eye and I jump back. I groan and rub my eye in an effort to get the uncomfortable feeling of air out of it. The Dr.Monroe writes something down and looks at me. "All done. Let's go back into your room. I'm sure your brother is worried sick about you." I nod and stand up from the small chair in front of the large eye machine. As we walk out, I glare at the machine. I hate that thing for whatever it did to my eye.
       Me and Dr.Monroe walk back into my room and I sit down on the bed next to Caleb. Dr.Monroe walks in front of me and grabs a small flashlight. He points it directly into my eye and I try not to squint. Once the flashlight is gone, I blink and try to get my vision back to normal. Well, at least as normal as it can be.
      Dr.Monroe sits in a small chair and faces me and Caleb. "Well I have some good news and bad news."
      My heart clenches and I take a deep breath. "Okay. Can I get the bad news first." He nods and begins to speak. "Well your vision will be blurry for about another few weeks."
      "And the bad news?"
      "Once those few weeks are up, your vision will be perfectly back to normal." I sigh out of relief and place a hand on my chest. He made me incredibly nervous and afraid. Dr.Monroe chuckles. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Now, I'll be prescribing you some eye drops. They'll help clear up your vision. I want you to take these every night before bed, okay?" I nod and he writes something down on a piece of paper.
      He rips the paper from the clipboard and hands it to Caleb. Caleb takes it and nods. "Thank you Doctor." Dr.Monroe nods and smiles. We stand up and leave as Dr.Monroe walks us to the door. Before we leave, he looks at us sternly. "Now, I want you boys to be careful. You seem like nice boys and don't deserve everything that's happened to you. Be careful, okay?" Me and Caleb nod as the Doctor closes the door.


      I wake up to the sound of a large bang. I jump out of bed and walk into the hallway. Caleb and Mike both come out of their rooms and look at me. I shrug and there's another large bang. "Stay up here," Caleb whispers to me and Mike. "No way," I say. "I'm coming with you."
     Caleb sighs and looks at Mike. "Fine. But be careful." We slowly make our way downstairs and into the living. My vision is still blurry, but it's even blurrier now that I just woke up. Not to mention that I barely even had time to focus my vision before I stared moving around. There's a few more loud bangs on the door and we all jump. Mike runs into the kitchen and after a few moments, he comes back in armed with three knives. He gives one to me and Caleb, keeping one for himself.
      Slowly, Caleb opens the door, holding onto the knife tightly. The door is fully open, but there's no one there. Caleb walks outside and I call out to him. "Caleb, what the hell are you doing? Get back in the House you idiot!"
       He comes back inside, a confused look on his face. He closes the door and locks it. "It's probably just some kids playing a prank on us. Go back to be-"
        Suddenly, a rock comes flying through the window. Mike grabs me and pushes me onto the floor, hitting his head on the floor in the process. I'm careful not to let the knife stab me as I fall. I look up to see a man coming through the now broken window. He looks at me and Mike, then his gaze shifts to Caleb, who lays on the floor since the rock hit him when it came flying through the window.
      He picks up the rock used to break the window and bring it down on Caleb's head. Caleb's body falls to the floor, unconscious. The man picks up Caleb and throws him over his shoulder. Another man comes through the window and looks at me and Mike.
      Both of the men open the door and walk out, Caleb still with them. I stand up, taking Mike's arms off of me. I grab the knife from off the ground and run towards the men.
     "Hey! Let him go you fuckers!" I stab the knife into one guys arm. He howls in pain and turns around, punching me in the face. Mike runs out of the house and towards me. I feel a sharp pain in my cheek but I ignore it. I'm not letting these guys take Caleb. I run forward to hit the guy again but arms wrap around my waist. I turn my head to see Mike holding my body. "Let me go," I yell angrily.
      Mike's grip doesn't falter as he glares at the guy in front of us. A gun is pointed at us, one of the men who took Caleb holding it. The other guy with Caleb over his shoulder throws him into a black car and gets into the drivers seat. He signals for the man with the gun to come with him. The guy runs off and jumps into the car. I turn around and glare at Mike who's still holding me.
      "Let go of me! That's my brother! I'm not letting him go!" Tears run down my cheeks as the car's engine starts and the guys drive off. They still have Caleb with them!
      I try to get out of Mike's grip but he's still holding onto me tightly. "Let me go! I want my brother!" My knees fail me and I fall to the ground. Mike finally lets go of me and I sit in the middle of the street, crying as Caleb is taken away from me.

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