A rant

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Hello internet I'm back to talk about something that has been bothering me. Which is the whole demonization of anyone with European descent. And, the one thing that really made me want to do it was a picture on my Pinterest feed.

I don't think European features are the epitome of beauty

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I don't think European features are the epitome of beauty. And, I wasn't brainwashed either. No one at home or at school, or anywhere for that matter is teaching me or anyone that only European features are beauty. I mean I have found girls from other races beautiful just as much as I have found girls with European decent beautiful. Beauty is an the eye of the beholder. Also who is telling people that if you're not from European descent you're ugly.
    Now I'm tired of seeing things like this. Because I happen to be white I'm called racist, a bigot, sexist(no im not a male), a Zazi, and other names. Just because I don't share the popular opinion. But, since I'm white it's okay to shrug off my views and label me things I'm not. Or I get called out for having white privilege.
Another I disagree with are the fact people bring the past into arguments. I'm sorry but I'm not my ancestors and I do not have atone for the things they did. The past is in the past, no one in America is a slave.

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