How to not be taken advantage of

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Hello my fellow KitKats today I'm going to give you tips on how to see if someone is taking advantage of you. Now just because someone may do one of these things every once in a while will not determine if they are toxic. But if these things happen everyday then you might be in a toxic relationship.

1)They try to pin everything on you when it wasn't your fault. This is very common tactic toxic people use to take advantage of their friends. It essentially shifting the blame, it's the ultimate guilt trip. Now a common way to point this out is if your friend is constantly putting you down and blaming you for their problems. When I'm fact you do something wrong. A good way to test if someone is using this tactic or not is to try to talk it out. If the person goes on a hissy fit and uses every curse word known to man they are probably taking advantage of you.

2)They try to turn the argument around to make themselves a victim. Now this is one of the major red flags that someone could be toxic. If they constantly turn the argument around so that they are the one who is hurt then they are probably toxic. Some major signs of this is being accused of stuff you didn't actually do and hearing an over dramatic retelling of what happened. It can be easy to fall for this so here are some tips to make sure you don't end up feeling sorry for something that didn't happen. Knowing for sure without a doubt you didn't commit what they said you did. This is very important when comforting someone who is claiming you did something wrong you must stand firm. You must not doubt you did something because if you know you didn't it can affect you.

3)They try to make you feel inferior. Common sides of these are constantly pointing out your flaws, lying, and stretching the truth. Now what I mean by pointing out your flaws I mean they feel the need to tell you how much of a failure you are. Or, just telling you that your flaws are the reason why a bad event happened. Another thing they will use is stretching the truth. Stretching the truth is a major sign. And what I mean by this is they stretch so much They you look like you were the one commuting the wrong. They will try to make you feel weak and lesser then them. They will make you feel like that without them you wouldn't survive. But, never fall for this trap. No one you will ever meet will be so important that they are your life line. If your friend thinks so highly of them self that they act like without them you couldn't breath or live a happy life. End the relationship. Now don't mistake what I'm saying with common best friend terms people use like you couldn't survive without me or what would you do without me. Those are okay to a point as long as your friend doesn't mean to make you feel inferior. But, if your friend is using this to make you feel weak it is best to end the friendship and move on. I know it's tough I've been there but you should never put yourself if a position where a person can completely control and manipulate your decisions and feelings.

One thing I will like to note is you can forgive someone but not want to hang out with them. That is okay, you don't have to hang out with anyone who could take advantage of you again. It can be hard but in the end it's the right thing to do. If you can't forgive you will go cold over time. Forgiving someone can help you let go of bitter things and knowing instead of being upset and cursing and do something mean you took the high road. You can always take the high road and be done talking and hanging out with a person. You don't have to keep putting yourself in a mental Hell ride over and over again. Some people can't change their ways l but it's better to forgive then to become bitter and taken over by hate.

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