The Good Ol' Days - Chapter 8

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Thanks so much for reading this if you still are!! I've got this massive ending adrenaline rush with this fanfic that makes me just wanna finish it and write write write! Because I've never really finished a fan fiction. I mean, I have an idea for this ending - but I also have no clue how to do it and all the details. Also, the song I put in is P!ATD's I Wanna Be Free. Not really any reason, it's kinda like the situation - I really just put it in. The 2nd song that I put in is P!ATD's Oh Glory just because it was on shuffle and sorta fits :P I really like them, and if you don't like them then I'm sorry just appreciate the lyrics - or you know, skip them *shrugs*. 

*****************THE POV OF THE HUMAN THAT SHANT BE NAMED******************

My breathing was shallow as I rushed quickly into The Good Ol' Pancakes, blonde hair sticking to my forehead from sweat. I rushed over to the counter, where all the super high ass chairs were and leaned over it so much that I could feel myself becoming one WITH THE COUNTER. Quickly, Dirk rushed over at me. "Dave? Oh sweet jesus you look like a slab of beef that's been smoked, injected with hormones, before suddenly remembering it's terrific claustrophobic past as a cow in a pen filled with other hormone injected cows." 

"Are-Are," I began, wheezing. "Are they here yet?" 

"God, no, why would I know when they're coming?" Dirk looked at me straight in the eye, or straight in the shades. Why would he know that they'd be here? "Listen, we need to talk." 

"About what?" 

"About your di-about your interspecies relationship with an alien species from another universe." 

"Whatever they said," I looked up at him, wheezing and nearly falling off the counter. "I didn't do it, I swear." 

"So you didn't cheat on 'Karkles'?" 

"No. WHY DOES. NO. ONE. BELIEVE ME. I WANT HIM BACK. I WANT HIM BACK SO BAD, BRO." Now that same wrenching feeling inside of me that had been there for a week sank even farther into me. It was like my stomach was dropping into my feet. Then I closed my eyes tight, realizing what I'd said. "I'm sorry, I know we're not really broth-"

"I know." The blonde with gravity proof hair replied. "I know." He looked dead serious as he wiped the big glass cup in his hand. He was wearing The Good Ol' Pancakes uniform, all white and with one of those paper hats that looked like half a lemon was bleached and put straight on your head. He could pull off the whole 60s waiter look really well. Hell, he could've been that future mayor from Back To The Future. 

"Nice hat." I commented glancing upwards again, pushing myself upwards. 

"Don't you go around changing the subject of the conversation. You have to be really oblivious not to fuckin' realize why you look like a rabbit that's been run over by a truck and is trying to come off as just playing dead. Now inform me about your present situation." The entire time Dirk was talking, only occasionally did he look up at me. Most of the time he was looking downwards, nodding. You felt like you were letting everything out, but at the same time there was something that was cold about having to talk to eyes behind a pair of ironic shades. 

"Well. I'm fucked." I began. 

"That's a start." Now, dirk quickly picked up the next cup he had to wipe. "Now, continue. Why?" 

"Well, for starters my boyfriend thinks I've cheated on him, and no one believes me that I didn't." 

"Dave, you had John pinned right down." 

"You can ask John, IT WAS A FUCKING JOKE. I'M NOT. GOING TO SAY IT AGAIN. Please, you of all people have to believe me." I was running out of options, and losing my cool. Everyone was right, I was losing it. I took a few breaths and then I remembered why I was there. "No, but that's not for now. I just, Dirk, they're all coming right over here to The Good Ol' Pancakes to have pancakes, and could you just play these songs? There's nothing weird or my voice there or anything trippy in it, promise, just - just Karkat's favorite songs and a few of my beats. Maybe it'll cheer him up or something, I dunno, just please, you've got to do it." 

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