His voice came to me distant and low and soothing, entering through the shadows of my unconscious, its deep, captivating maleness lured me away from my dreams and back to his reality. “Jessie, come on baby, wake up. Please, wake up. I’m not going to lose you, too.” The pain of returning circulation was intense as I felt his fingers enclose my wrist checking my pulse. His voice broke as he pleaded, “Don’t leave me, Jessie. Please, come back.” He gently enfolded my cold hands in his warm ones. “Wake up,” he prodded, his urgency undeniable.

With great effort, I opened my eyes to stare into two spellbinding, tempestuous seas of blue. I felt solid ground underneath me and noticed trees looming overhead as he slid one arm under my shoulders and pulled me against the warmth of his kneeling body. In the protection of his strong arms, he rocked me back and forth crooning over and over again, “You’re alive. Thank God, you’re alive. You’ll be ok. I promise. You’ll be ok. I thought I’d lost you.” He kissed my forehead. “I thought I’d lost you, but you’re ok.”

I tried to lift my arm to return the embrace, but it was no use. When I tried to speak, my breath clogged my throat. Only a hoarse squeak emerged. “Shhh,” he soothed, stroking my cheek. “You don’t need to say anything. Just rest. I’ll get you warm.”

He looked away and I followed his gaze. Austin, his dad, and Sasha were approaching with the detective detained between two oddly-dressed men I’d never seen before. Caleb’s dad, Austin and Sasha came to stand directly in front of us, but the others turned and walked into the forest before they reached us. “She ok?” Caleb’s dad questioned, nodding in my direction.  

“She will be,” Caleb answered. “Her pulse is strong and steady, and she’s starting to warm up.”

His dad’s gaze shifted past Caleb to Jolie, who I now noticed was quietly seated near us. “My dear friend, what have you done?” he asked, shaking his head.

“It was the right thing, Zeke, the only way.”

“Damn.” He pinched his forehead between his thumb and two, work-worn fingers. “We might could have . . .”

“No, Zeke, stop. It’s done. There’s no need to waste this bit of time rehashing it. Let it go.” She took a deep breath. “I need this time to confess to you and to Caleb, something you’re not going to want to hear, but I can’t . . . go . . . with this lie left between us. I won’t do it,” she said. Her eyes turned to Caleb. “It was I who tipped off the authorities about your parents. I was responsible for your mom’s death. I sent the Enforcers after her. I told them everything I knew, and then I followed them. I knew she was planning to marry your father, but I didn’t know where she was. I didn’t know there was a child. I promise I didn’t know about you, Caleb. She never told even me about you. I’m so sorry.” Her voice cracked as she reached for his hands. “I didn’t intend for her to die. I just wanted my friend back. I missed her, and I didn’t want her to get into trouble. I was young and foolish. I don’t know if you’ll ever be able to even begin to forgive me, either of you.” She glanced at Zeke then back to Caleb. “Sweet boy,” she continued, reaching to touch Caleb’s cheek. “I have loved you as though you were my own. Please, try to forgive me. I took your mother away from you, but today I’ve given you back Jessie.”

I looked to Caleb, still slightly unsure of Jolie’s meaning. He answered my unspoken question. “She transferred to you, Jessie. Jolie transferred to you so that you could get out of the water. She saved your life.”

“But now she’s . . .?” I couldn’t finish.

He nodded solemnly. “She’s dying.”

Tears flowed unchecked down my cheeks.

Caleb’s dad stepped forward and took Jolie’s hands in his own. “It’s ok, my precious friend. I’ve suspected for years. We were so careful--no one else knew--only you, and yeah, I was angry for quite a while. But lady, you don’t have a malicious bone in your body. We were all young and unknowing, unrealistic. I’m convinced your intentions were honorable.” He raised their clasped hands and affectionately pressed his lips to her folded fingers in an almost reverent kiss before continuing. “With all the times over the years that you’ve put yourself at risk to protect and defend my son, it’ll be a cold day in Hell before I stand for anyone saying a bad word against you. You’ve stood between Caleb and harm’s way more times than I can count, and you have my undying, eternal gratitude.”

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