Real Room (Prinxiety)

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{Roman's POV}

"Hey Logan, have you seen Virgil?" I asked the intellectual side who was sitting with Patton on the couch in the common room. He was reading while Patton laid his head on his shoulder, eyes glued to his phone as he played a game.

"I have not." Logan responded, not looking up from his book. "Have you checked his room?"

"Of course I checked his room."

"Well, did you check the Imagination place you always visit?"


"Well, he has to be somewhere." Logan closed his book, looking up at me. "Have you checked his actual room?"

I stood there blankly for a moment, thinking about the question. They all had rooms that were made specifically for them. They go there to heighten whatever aspect they have. For me, I go to my true room when the Imagination doesn't give me enough creativity or whenever I feel like looking back on all the musicals Thomas was in, Logan would go to his if he needed to heighten his intelligence and Patton would go to his to look back on the past whenever he felt down, but never stayed too long. But Virgil? Why would he want to heighten his anxiety?

"Um, I have not checked there, but I doubt he'd be there. Why would anyone want more anxiety?" I finally answered.

Logan shrugged. "Won't hurt to check."

"But remember what happened last time?" I questioned.

"Of course I do." Logan straightened his glasses. "Just be quick. All you need to do is check to see if Virgil's there, and if he is not, you can leave, but if he is there, you can talk to him or whatever you want to do."

"Hmm, I guess I can do that."

"Glad to help, can I get back to my book? They were just about to uncover who the killer is, though I do have some theories."

Patton looked up from his phone. "Ooo! What happened? What theories do you have?" He asked, now curious about Logan's book.

"Well, this couple was found dead in an alley. First the investigators thought it was an accidental death or a death caused by the couple themselves, but the killer left clues like a scavenger hunt at each crime scene! They are so close to finding the murderer!" Logan carried on, enthusiastically explaining his book and his theories as Patton listened happily. I smiled, walking into my room to prepare myself.

Alright Roman. In and out. You don't need to take long. Just go see if Virgil's there. If he's not, then you can worry. If he is, ask if he's okay because he had to have gone to his real room for some depressing reason. Maybe he felt like he wasn't wanted. The thought of that made my heart ache. All the more reason to check. Taking a deep breath, I slipped out of my room and into a dark, dusty room, cobwebs covering
the corners and the walls. I was just about to say Virgil's name when I heard someone sobbing behind me. I spun around, my eyes falling on the dark side sitting on the floor, his back to the wall, his head was resting on his knees as he hugged his legs close to him.

"Virgil?" I asked worriedly. Virgil let out a quiet gasp, shooting his head up to see who had said his name. Tears rolled down his cheeks like dirty waterfalls, seeing as how the tears caused his eyeshadow to run down in streaks. He looked like a mess.

"R-Roman?" He tilted his head, quickly wiping his tears away. "W-What are you doing h-here?"

"I couldn't find you anywhere so Logan suggested coming here to check." I answered, squatting down next to him.

"You were looking for m-me?" Virgil had calmed down a little. I gave a little smile, happy to see that by talking to him, Virgil had stopped sobbing.


"Well, you need to leave."


Virgil stared at me for a few moments before answering.  "Remember what happened last time?  You all started to get corrupted.  I can already see a bit of eyeshadow on you."

"It's fine.  I just need to know if you're okay." I placed my hand on his shoulder, blushing a bit at the contact.  Virgil seemed to be red in the face as well, but it could have been from the crying.  Virgil looked away, pushing my hand off of him. 

"Why do care?" He asked quietly.  The question made my heart sink.  "Since when do you care about anyone other than yourself?  It's completely obvious that you don't like me, so why would you ca—". I cut him off, pulling him into a hug, hugging him tightly.  Did he really think that?  I didn't mean to make him feel like I don't care for him.  I really do care.

"Virgil," I whispered.  "Please don't think that way.  I do care about you, about all of you.  I don't just care about my self.  I'm so sorry I made you feel that way.  If I really didn't care, would I still be here?"  Virgil hesitated, but hugged back, just as tightly as I was.  "Now please tell me what's troubling you."

Virgil was silent for a minute before answering.  "You know, just the usual." He let out a sad, quiet chuckle.  "Not feeling wanted, not feeling good enough, knowing you're the source of people's problems, knowing that the person you like would never like you back...." I raised my head, pulling out of the hug, but leaving my hands on both his shoulders.

"Y-you like someone?" Virgil's face went red as he slowly nodded, avoiding eye contact.  "Well, I'm sure whoever it is will like you back.  Who wouldn't?" Virgil's eyes met mine.  Tear threatened to run down my cheek, but I held it in, trying to keep my composure.  I could feel the eyeshadow becoming heavier under my eyes, but I ignored it.  "I can assure you," I continued, "you are wanted, you are good enough, you're not always the source of every problem, and people do like you."

"I guess." Virgil shrugged.  "But I know the person I like will never actually like me back."

"Who is this person, if I may ask."

Virgil went silent, once again avoiding eye contact.  He shook his head, not wanting to answer.  I released his shoulders, contemplating whether I should follow my heart or brain.  My brain was telling me Virgil was talking about someone else.  That he didn't like me, but my heart said differently.  It was crying out, saying Virgil was talking about me and I should just tell him how I feel.  Am I really going to risk that?  What if he is talking about someone else.  What if he hates me more?  I took a deep breath.  I need to tell him.

"I like someone as well." I confessed.  Virgil looked up at me.  I could see hope in his eyes.  I smiled.  "I-I like you.....Virgil."

"R-really?" Virgil stuttered.  "Like, l-like me like me?" I nodded.  Just before I could say anything, I was pulled into Virgil, our lips connecting.  He kissed me passionately as I comprehended what was happening.  After I realised Virgil was kissing me, I kissed back, my hands now holding his face.  When we broke away, we were breathless. 

"I like you as well, Roman." Virgil smiled.  Seeing him smile made me smile even wider than I already was.

"You want me too leave you alone?" I asked.

"No, your company is making me feel better, but you can't stay here. Let's go back to the common room." I nodded, grabbing Virgil's hand and sinking out of the room, popping up in the living room of the common room. When I looked at the couch, I saw Logan and Patton still sitting there. They stared at us in shock. I looked down, noticing they were looking at our connected hands. Both of our faces were a bright red.

Logan fixed his glasses. "It's about time." He said as Patton smiled brightly in awe.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2018 ⏰

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