One Hot Cookie {No Ship}

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"3/4 cup granulated sugar." Logan read from the recipe book.

"What?" Patton asked, confused. Logan pointed at the bag of sugar next to Roman. "Oh."

"3/4 cup packed brown sugar." Logan continued.

"Brown sugar??"

"That one Patton."


"Oh goodness me, this is going to take all day!" Roman complained.

"It'll be worth it though! I can't wait to try these cookies!"

"They probably won't even taste good." Virgil shrugged.

"1 cup of softened butter, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1 eg—"

"Logan you're reading too fast!" Patton said, grabbing a bunch of ingredients in attempt to keep up with the logical side.

"Oh, my apologies, Patton. How about you read and I'll add the necessary ingredients." When Patton nodded, Logan handed him the book. Virgil leaned up against the fridge as he waited, while Princey sat on the counter. Virgil's job was to take the cookies out of the oven and dump them on a plate, and Roman's was to pour them on a cookie sheet, but with how long the first steps were taking, they knew they'd have to wait a while.

"Alright." Patton started. "Um,"

"What was the last thing you put in?" Logan asked.

"I think the butter, so next would be 1 teaspoon of vanilla."

"Okay, you can just read them off. If I need you to stop, I'll let you know." Logan said as he straightened his glasses.

"1 egg, 2 1/4 cups of Gold Metal all-purpose flour?"

"Got it."

"Okay, um, 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1 cup—"

"Ugh, how many ingredients are in cookies?!  We should've just bought cookies!?" Roman complained once more, earning an eye roll from Logan and Virgil.

"—coarsely chopped nuts—"

"We won't use nuts." Logan stated.

"Alright then just 1 package semisweet chocolate chips. 2 cups. And we're done!"

"Almost, now we have to set the oven. Roman, can you heat the oven to 375°F."

"Sure thing." Roman did as he was told.

"Excellent. Now, Patton, would you like to mixed the ingredients."

"We have to mix them now?! I thought we just did that!?" Virgil exclaimed. All three looked at him, shocked but not surprised that the darker side was growing inpatient. The fact that he vocally exclaimed his frustration so loudly shocked them.

"We were simply making sure we had everything." Logan answered, fixing the apron he was wearing. They were all wearing one except Virgil, who said he wouldn't be caught dead in one.

"Yeah, I'll mix them!" Patton said excitedly.

"Okay. First, mix the sugar, butter, vanilla and egg in a large bowl."

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