Chapter 7: Sturdy

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Chloe's POV

"Ah shit." I grumble under my breath as I pull the last of the empty ice trays out of the freezer. Two large trays and not a single ice cube left, which was unquestionably my fault since I didn't bother to refill them as I was using them throughout the night. Perhaps it was a sign from the universe to switch over to water for the next drink. It's only been 2 hours and I've already managed to consume almost all my vodka. Which, to be fair, was only 3/4 of a mickey to begin with. 

"Now you're letting all the food thaw out..." I hear a voice from behind me, which startles me out of my thoughts.

Embarrassed, I swiftly close the freezer door and turn around to meet a familiar face. I let out a gentle sigh when I realize it's only Jerry, who is sporting a large grin on his face, "There is truly no end to your delinquency, is there?"  

"Apparently not." I shoot him a conniving smirk while I fill up the ice cube trays. 

As I make my way to the counter I notice someone else standing with him. Jerry quickly turns to him,

"Sean, this is Chloe." He glances back and forth between the two of us, "She's a friend of Eddie's."

Honestly, I wasn't quite sure how to define Eddie and I's relationship, but hearing myself being referred to as just a 'friend' was definitely unpleasant

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Honestly, I wasn't quite sure how to define Eddie and I's relationship, but hearing myself being referred to as just a 'friend' was definitely unpleasant. Was that how Eddie was introducing me to other people? As just a 'friend'?  

"Hey nice to meet yah," he promptly brushes past me, "But I gotta rock a major piss, gimmie a sec."

I'm slightly bewildered by his bluntness, but I still manage to let a nod out. I stare back at Jerry, who seems less shocked by it. 

"He..." Jerry trails off and slowly shakes his head, "...Sometimes fails to understand simple social etiquette, my apologies."

"Hey, when you gotta go, you gotta go I suppose..."

He lets out a chuckle while fetching a beer from the fridge then asks, "So do you live here, in Vancouver?" 

"Yeah, for about 6 years now. Honestly, I love it here. Lived in different places across Canada, gotta say this spots my favorite."

"I've only ever been here and to Toronto, which was a nightmare by the way." he glances off to the side, as if reminiscing on a memory.

"Yeah, can be chaotic as hell there. What about you, you from Seattle like the rest of these guys?"

"Not originally." He's quick to change the subject, "So, you having a good time tonight?"

"Yeah... don't really know a lot people here, but trying to make some new friends you know."

"Well, now you know me." he leans his body slightly across the counter, closing up some of the distance between us, "And if you're ever in Seattle, make sure to say hi."

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