Chapter 2: The Crow

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Eddie's POV

As soon as we entered the bar Chloe immediately caught my eye. Even though I didn't think it was possible, she was more beautiful than before. Her dark hair was now down, her loose curls framing her face. She was sporting a white shirt that perfectly contrasted the brightly colored ink that occupied her one arm. It appeared to be a traditional Japanese style, from what I knew of tattoos. She appears to be in a somewhat deep conversation with the tall blonde woman beside her. I let out a smirk, thanking my lucky stars, as I know Dave has a thing for blondes. Hopefully that would keep him away from Chloe. The guys head towards an open booth, which is directly across from the bar area. Hesitating for a moment, I ponder my next move, realizing how nervous she was making me. After standing awkwardly for a moment, I decide to head to the table with the guys, noting that Chloe was still in the midst of her conversation. Once everyone was settled in the booth, the bartender headed to our table to introduce himself.

"Hey gentleman, what can I get you guys started with? A few beers?"

We decide on a pitcher of beer, to save a few bucks. While pouring out a glass for me, Stone, who was always very observant, caught onto my long gaze towards the bar area. He glances at the ladies, then back at me, noticing the look on my face. Stone could read me better than anyone, and he knew that I wasn't the type to gawk at attractive woman at bars. He leans over to me and quietly asks,

"Do you know them? You're staring pretty intently. Almost creeping on them, actually."

Busted. Damn you Stone. I quickly respond,

"Uh-yeah I think the one of the left was the lady at the post office today."

A smirk creeps over his face, and I immediately know he is onto me. 

"How convenient she's at the same bar as us, the one you recommended."

Knowing that it was pointless to try to lie to him, I cave and quietly tell him of my interest in her. He smiles, pleased with himself, and tells me he would keep it between us.

 He smiles, pleased with himself, and tells me he would keep it between us

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Glancing back over at her, I decide it was time to at least say hello. If she hadn't caught onto my intense stares by now, she would soon. Gathering my beer in one hand, I make my way over to the two ladies. I feel Jeff, Dave, and Mike watching me with confusion as I head towards the ladies. Chloe and her acquaintance happen to still be in the midst of a conversation, so I decide to clear my throat softly before approaching them. Both look over at me, and a smile sweeps over Chloe's face. I push the lump from out of my throat and speak,

"Hey, nice to see a familiar face." I glance over at the band and continue, "The guys are digging the vibes here, nice to get out and enjoy the city. Figured I would come over and say thanks."

"Usually it's a bit busier in here. Less of a chance that someone will spill their beer on me now though." She laughs, then turns her attention to her blonde friend, "Sorry, Tay, this is Eddie. Him and his band are just here briefly recording some music."

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