
Rebbeca's POV

Jay: "So during the dream, I was actually riding Tia. It was kind of weird because she actually didn't have wings but, we were still flying. Anyway..."

I look up at the Nottingham boy and smile at his charm. His blue eyes light up as he tells the story about how he had a dream of being an Avatar. I really don't pay close attention but laugh when designated.

After we got out of the building through the back we started to just walk around the block. Our hands are still linked, with our slim fingers over lapping each other. It felt nice, not right, but nice. Having someone here to comfort me and help me with the pain that one person has caused.

Jay: "So Becc's tell me about your self? And don't ask 'What do you want to know?' I want to know everything." He looked down at me and smiled. I beamed a smile back up at him and took a deep breath thinking about how to start.

Me: "Well, where to start... Hm well, as you know I'm Maxs' sister. We've always been close to each other, when he was four I was born and he made sure to protect me from anything and everything. I remember this one time, when I was six just starting school and Max was ten we had break together. I was playing on the swings when some boy came over and pushed me off, making me scrape my knee really bad. I started crying and Max heard and rushed over to see what had happened. I told him the story and he went over to the kid and knocked him off the swing with a smile on his face."

I laugh fondly at the memory as does Jay. I remember the whole day like it was yesterday. The wind in my hair and face as I climbed high into the sky. The feeling of being pushed, free falling through the air and landing on my knee. I remember the burning sensation as the skin scrapped off and the warm blood that soon followed. The piercing sound of my wail as I feel the pain from the wound. The look of pure panic on my friends and Maxs' face.

Me: "Fast forward to four years later. My parents told us that they were getting a divorce and my mother was taking me with her to Florida to live with my aunt. I was crushed. I remember crying for days and days with Max trying to comfort me. He'd sing to me and I'd just cry more knowing that I wouldn't be able to see him sing again."

I sigh as tears prick at my eyes during the memory. I feel a slight pressure in my hand, a reassuring squeeze from Jay, encouraging me to continue. I take a deep breath and continue.

Me: "When we finally arrived in Florida, it was so bizarre. They were driving on the wrong side of the road, and had the weirdest accents imaginable. For the first week I wouldn't leave my room. I would look at old pictures of Manchester and cry knowing I couldn't be there. Max called everyday making sure I was alright and telling me to be strong. I'd always tell him I would and I keep that promise to this day. I stay stong for him."

We took a corner and I look at the streets before I continued. London is always how I imagined it to be. Big, flashy, and kind of rank smelling to be honest. I continue to look at the buildings and people and resume talking.

Me: "When I was around thirteen, my mom met Stan. I had it stuck in my mind that my mother and father were going to get back together. I tried everything in my power to hate this guy, but I couldn't. He went through a bad divorce and had a new born baby that he had to take care of. Anna. I finally began to realize that they were falling madly in love with each other and gave in. I now consider him my father and I love him with all my heart." 

I glance at Jay and see that he's listening intently to me. The only person who listens that closely to me is Max. My best friends don't even listen this well. I shake away the shock and continue tears already in my eyes. 

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